AWACSS Automated Water Analyser Computer Supported System

Country: EU Projects
Start Date:   28/2/2001         Duration: 36 months         Project Type: RTD
Contract Number: EVK1-CT-2000-00045
Organisation Type:  EC Project
Contaminated land-->Remediation options-->Remediation options overview
Contaminated land-->Site investigation-->Methods
Diffuse pollution-->Monitoring
Groundwater protection-->Monitoring-->Monitoring overview
Water and sanitation-->Water and sanitation Overview
Water resources and their management -->Stresses, quality and ecological status
Project objectives:
AWACSS will provide a multisensor system to monitor water pollution, consisting of a number of remote measurement units linked by a communications network. 
Each unit will be portable, plug-and-playable, user-friendly, and fully automated with little need for maintenance. Highly sensitive biosensors based
on fluorescence detection will ensure compliance with EU directives. The local intelligent unit will evaluate online measurements and send results to a control
station, such as an internet-based server, which will have direct access to each remote measurement unit. The network will be distributed over a water catchment area, allowing a source of pollution to be localized early and characterized rapidly. In cases of severe
water pollution, precautionary systems will be activated automatically or manually by operators of wastewater treatment plants. This system will meet the demands of end-users by improving reliability, robustness, and analytical scope, by reducing maintenance and by adding new capabilities
including microsystems for highly parallel analysis to allow non-specialist personnel to install units in the field.
Project Summary:
AWACSS will focus on problems caused by pollution of water with respect to sources of pollution, social and industrial structure, and economic aspects. Recent 
improvements in biosensor systems have offered on-line advanced measurements. Therefore, adopting a problem-driven approach, different kinds of water
and partners active in the area of water management and controlling have been selected. The Consortium plans RTD activities to upgrade a network of prototype
immunoanalysers including an intelligent data evaluation for appropriate responses to sample matrices and analytes. Data will be collected by remote inquiry
by a superordinated Internet based server. The development must meet the stringent demands of end-users, to improve reliability, maintenance, robustness,
and analytical scope and to add new capabilities including optical design for highly parallel analysis to allow non specialist personnel to carry out measurements
in real water samples and monitor water pollution
Achieved Objectives:
During the two years of this project a water monitoring device based on immunochemical technology has been developed. Emphasis has been placed on instrumentation 
that is low-cost, reliable, quick, and convenient with a versatile measurement platform for multi-analyte analysis, and intelligent network and warning
system. This device has been ready for testing and during the next period subseqent improvement will be done. The spatial resolved surface chemistry for different
chip formats with analyte derivatives has been developed and confirmed. Many immuno-reagents were tested. In addition, several interesting water measurement
sites have been and will continue to be surveyed.
Product Descriptions:
The goal of AWACSS was to provide a multisensor system to monitor water pollution, consisting of a number of remote measurement units linked by a communications 
network. The following publications are available: Lopez de Alda, Maria, J. and Barcelo, D. 'Use of solid-phase extraction in various of its modalities for sample preparation in the determination of estrogens
and progestogens in sediment and water'. J. Chromatogr. A, 938, (2001), 145-53. Lopez de Alda, Maria, J. and Barcelo, D. 'Review of analytical methods for the determination of estrogens and progestogens in waste waters'. Fresenius J.
Anal. Chem., 371, (2001), 437-47. Public Presentations Oral Presentation: Dr. Ram Abuknesha, KCL. 'Automated Water Analyser Computer Supported System (AWACSS)'. 1st Workshop SENSPOL: Section 8: Multiparameter
Sensing. May 9-11th, 2001, University of Alcala, Madrid, Spain. Oral Presentation: Prof. Damia Barcelo, CSIC. 'Practical Achievements and Implementation of Biosensors and Other Assays for Water Monitoring Developed
Under the EU Environment Program'. 5th Euroconference on Environmental Analytical Chemistry: The impact of (Bio-) Sensors and Bioanalytical Techniques
on Environmental Monitoring. Sept. 8-12th, 2001, College Cork and Vienna University of Technology, Blarney, Ireland. Poster Presentation: CSIC. 'River ANAlyser (RIANA) for trace determination of pesticides. Validation of irgarol and chlorophenols in natural waters.'
1st Workshop SENSPOL: Sensing Technologies for Contaminated Sites and Groundwater. May 9-11th, 2001, University of Alcala, Madrid, Spain. Poster Presentation: Sara Rodriguez-Mozaz, E. Mallat, R. Abuknesha, G. Gauglitz, and D. Barcelo. 'Study and monitoring of different contaminants in river
water using an immunosensor'. 5th Euroconference on Environmental Analytical Chemistry: The impact of (Bio-)Sensors and Bioanalytical Techniques on Environmental
Monitoring. Sept. 8-12th, 2001, College Cork and Vienna University of Technology, Blarney, Ireland. Poster Presentation: Ramon Lopez, Maria J. Lopez de Alda, and D. Barcelo. 'Stability of estrogens and progestogens on cartridges and in extracts after solid-phase
extraction of surface water samples'. Gpoll Workshop. Nov. 8-10th, 2001, Barcelona, Spain. Slideshow and Poster Presentation: Written by the University of Tuebingen and Presented by the EU Commission. 'Automated Water Analyser Computer Supported
System (AWACSS)'. IFAT 2002, New Munich Trade Centre, May 13-17th, 2002, Munich, Germany. Oral Presentation: Dr. Dale Willard, TU. 'Automated Water Analyser Computer Supported System (AWACSS): An EU supported consortium developing a convenient,
quick, and cost-effective water immunosensor.' ENVSENS: The International Workshop on New Developments on Sensors for Environmental Control. May 27-29th,
2002, Hotel Santa Lucia, Santa Cesarea Terme (Lecce), Italy. Oral Presentation: Dr. Dale Willard, TU. 'Automated Water Analyser Computer Supported System (AWACSS): A network measurement system for convenient,
quick, and cost-effective monitoring of surface water contamination.' The 2nd SENSPOL Workshop: Response to New Pollution Challenges. June 4-7th, 2002,
King's College, London, UK.
Additional Information:

Project Resources:

Use of solid-phase extraction in various of its modalities for sample preparation in the determination of estrogens and progestogens in sediment and water

Review of analytical methods for the determination of estrogens and progestogens in waste waters

Automated Water Analyser Computer Supported System (AWACSS)

Practical Achievements and Implementation of Biosensors and Other Assays for Water Monitoring Developed Under the EU Environment Program

Study and monitoring of different contaminants in river water using an immunosensor

River ANAlyser (RIANA) for trace determination of pesticides. Validation of irgarol and chlorophenols in natural waters

Stability of estrogens and progestogens on cartridges and in extracts after solid-phase extraction of surface water samples

Automated Water Analyser Computer Supported System (AWACSS): An EU supported consortium developing a convenient, quick, and cost-effective water immunosensor

Automated Water Analyser Computer Supported System (AWACSS): A network measurement system for convenient, quick, and cost-effective monitoring of surface water contamination
Funding Programme(s): 
EC Framework Programme 5
Link to Organisations:
Submitted by: EUGRIS Team Prof Paul Bardos  Who does what?  03/07/2003 17:48:00
Updated by: EUGRIS Team Professor Paul Bardos  Who does what?  29/09/2006 15:44:00