FLOBAR2 Floodplain Biodiversity and Restoration

Country: EU Projects
Start Date:           Duration: 36 months         Project Type: RTD
Contract Number: ENK1-CT-1999-00031
Organisation Type:  EC Project
Water resources and their management -->Water resources and their management Overview
Project objectives:
The aims of the Flobar2 project were to address knowledge-gaps in present scientific understanding of river-floodplain biological and physical systems 
by exploring: - scientific aspects of the impact of different flow regimes on the growth and regeneration of floodplain plant species and the impact of floodplain vegetation
on flood retention. Furthermore the project targeted to integrate scientific understanding of these interactions between abiotic and biotic factors on floodplains with
the decision-making mechanisms involved in water allocation in river catchments.
Project Summary:
Water allocation in river systems traditionally takes into account the needs of domestic water supply, industry and agriculture with some attention to minimum 
acceptable flow principles for the benefit of instream ecosystems. It is now recognised that such operational management models also need to take into account
the water quantity needs of floodplain ecosystems. An ability to maintain or improve the ecological quality and hydrological functions of floodplain ecosystems is a key principle in the EU Water Framework
Directive and a necessary component of floodplain restoration projects. Based on previous work (FLOBAR 1) this project will contribute to the enhancement of the ecological quality of riparian wetland ecosystems in Europe through
developing water allocation guidelines. Natural science and socio-economic expertise will be combined to assess the water flow requirements of riparian
species, floodplain impacts on water levels, and institutional structures for decision making in river basin flow management.
Achieved Objectives:
The project seeks to contribute to the enhancement of the ecological quality of riparian ecosystems in Europe through the development of water allocation 
guidelines. A main focus of the project was on floodplain forests The project developed scientific guidelines for the application of river flow prescriptions which benefit floodplain ecosystems while maintaining acceptable
levels of flood control. -Furthermore aspects of the relationships between hydrological inputs to a floodplain and plant response measured in terms of water consumption, growth
and the diversity of regeneration strategies were quantified -Additionaly the flow resistance associated with woody riparian vegetation using field studies and mathematical modelling was investigated. -During the project the effectiveness of selected institutional arrangements for restoring floodplain environments at different spatial scales and
in different national/local settings was investigated and compared.
Product Descriptions:
Public available products:   
Report 'Guidance for policy makers and river managers in Europe on the restauration of floodplain forests', 96 pages  (Generic)   
Publications of the FloBar 2 project:   
Allain, C.J. (2002) Relations vegetation-ecoulement-transport solides dans les lits des rivieres etudes de l'Isere dans le Gresivaudan. These, Docteur 
de l'INPG, Grenoble, France, 201pp [NB: link is to large .pdf file, 8.4Mb] Barsoum, N. (2001). Regeneration: requirements and promotion measures. In EUFORGEN Technical Bulletin: In situ conservation of Populus nigra (Editors
Lefèvre, F., Barsoum,N. Heinze,B., Kajba D., Rotach, P., de Vries, S.M.G. and Turok, J.).International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy.
pp-16-24. Barsoum, N. (2001). Relative contributions of sexual and asexual regeneration strategies in Populus nigra and Salix alba during the first years of establishment
on a braided gravel bar bed. Evolutionary Ecology 15,255-279 Barsoum, N., Muller, E. and Skot, L. (2004). Variations in levels of clonality among Populus nigra L. stands of different ages. Evolutionary Ecology (in
press). Guilloy-Froget, H. (2002). Evaluation des conditions favorables à l'établissement de Populus nigra et Salix alba en milieu riverain. Thèse de doctorat
de l'Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, 146 pp. Guilloy-Froget, H., Muller, E, Barsoum, N. and Hughes, F.M.R. (2002) Dispersal, germination and survival of Populus nigra (L.) (Salicaceae) in changing
hydrologic conditions. Wetlands 22(3):478-488 Hughes, F.M.R. (2002) Can we manage rivers to benefit alluvial woodlands? In, Barbara van Dam and Sandor Bordacs (eds) Genetic diversity in river populations
of European Black Poplar. Proceedings of an international symposium held in Szekszard, Hungary 16-20 May, 2001, pp187-196. Hughes, F.M.R. and Rood, S.B. (2003) Allocation of river flows for restoration of floodplain forest ecosystems: a review of approaches and their applicability
in Europe. Environmental Management 32, 12-33 Lambs, L. (2000) Correlation of conductivity and stable isotope 18O for the assessment of water origin in river system. Chemical Geology 164, 161-170 Lambs, L. and Berthelot, M. (2002) Monitoring water from the underground to the tree: first results with a new sap extractor on a riparian woodland. Plant
and Soil 242: 197-207 Lambs, L., Loudes, J.-P. and Berthelot, M. (2002) The use of the stable oxygen isotope (O18) to follow the water distribution and absorption in riparian woodlands.
Nukleotika 47: S71-S74 Lambs L. and Muller E. (2002). Sap flow and water transfer in the Garonne River riparian woodland, France: first results on poplar and willow. Ann. For. Sci.
59: 301-315. Lambs, L. (2003). Mélange des eaux de la nappe phréatique et de la rivière. Actualité Chimique Sept-Aout p 48-50 Lambs, L., Loubiat, M. and Richardson, W. (2003) The use of stable isotopes to evaluate water mixing and water use by flood plain trees along the Garonne river.
Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 39, 301-310 Lambs, L. (2004) Interactions between groundwater and surface water at river banks and the confluence of rivers. Journal of Hydrology 288: 312-326 Marigo, G., Peltier, J.-P., Girel, J. and Pautou, G. (2000) Success in the demographic expansion of Fraxinus excelsior L. Trees 15: 411-437. Moss, T. (2004): The Governance of Land Use in River Basins. Prospects for Overcoming Problems of Institutional Interplay with the EU Water Framework Directive.
Land Use Policy , Vol 21/1, 85-94 Moss, T. (2003): Regional Governance and the EU Water Framework Directive. Institutional Fit, Interplay and Scale. In: Lafferty, William M. and Narodslawsky,
Michael (eds.): Regional Sustainable Development in Europe. The Challenge of Multi-Level Cooperative Governance. ProSus, Oslo, 201-230. Muller, E., Guilloy-Froget, H., Barsoum, N. et Brocheton, L. (2002). Populus nigra L. en vallée de Garonne : legs du passé et contraintes du présent. C.R.
Biologies 325: 1-11. Muller E., and Lambs L. (2004). Variation journalière de la consommation d'eau de deux peupliers I214 et I45/51 en vallée de Garonne. Forêt-Entreprise (in
press). Richards, K S (2001) Floods, channel dynamics, and riparian ecosystems. In Mosley, M. P. (ed.) Gravel-Bed Rivers V, New Zealand Hydrological Society, Wellington
NZ, 465-477 Richards, K., Brasington, J. and Hughes, F.M.R. (2002) Geomorphic dynamics of floodplains:ecological implications and a potential modelling strategy.
Freshwater Biology 47:559-579 Tabacchi, E., Lambs, L., Guilloy, H., Planty-Tabacchi, A.M., Muller, E. and Decamps, H. Impact of riparian vegetation on hydrological Processes. Hydrological
Processes, 14: 2959-2976. Tissier, J. , Lambs, L., Peltier, J,-P. and Marigo G. (2004) Relationships between hydraulic traits and habitat preference for six Acer species occurring
in the French Alps, Annals of Forest Science 61, 81-86 Winfield, M and Hughes, F.M.R. (2002) Variations in the genetic, morphometric and growth characteristics of Populus nigra ssp. betulifolia clones: implications
for river restoration in the U.K. Wetlands 22(1):33-48 Xiong, S., Johansson, M.E., Hughes, F.M.R., Hayes, A., Richards, K.S. and Nilsson, C. (2003) Interactive effects of soil moisture, vegetation canopy,
plant litter and seed addition on plant diversity in a wetland community. Journal of Ecology, 91, 976-986
Additional Information:

Project Resources:

Restoring Floodplains in Europe - Policy contexts and project Experiences

The influence of woody floodplain vegetation on flow resistance properties

FLOBAR: Floodplain Biodiversity and Restoration: Integrated natural science and socio-economic approaches to catchment management

Interactions between groundwater and surface water at river banks and the confluence of rivers.

Variation in Populus Niagra clones: implications for river restoration projects in the United Kingdom

Relative contributions of sexual and asexual regeneration strategies in Populus nigra and Salix alba during the first years of establishment on a braided gravel bar bed.

Correlation of conductivity and stable isotope 18O for the assessment of water origin in river system

Monitoring water from the underground to the tree: first results with a new sap extractor on a riparian woodland.

The use of the stable oxygen isotope (O18) to follow the water distribution and absorption in riparian woodlands.

The use of stable isotopes to evaluate water mixing and water use by flood plain trees along the Garonne river.

Institutional mechanisms for floodplain management

Variations in levels of clonality among Populus nigra L. stands of different ages

Dispersal, germination and survival of Populus nigra (L.) (Salicaceae) in changing hydrologic conditions.

Can we manage rivers to benefit alluvial woodlands?

Allocation of river flows for restoration of floodplain forest ecosystems: a review of approaches and their applicability in Europe.

Monitoring water from the underground to the tree: first results with a new sap extractor on a riparian woodland.

The use of the stable oxygen isotope (O18) to follow the water distribution and absorption in riparian woodlands

FLOBAR: The influence of hydrology on sexual and vegetative regeneration strategies in floodplain species

The Flooded Forest: guidance for policy makers and river managers in Europe on the restoration of floodplain forests

Guidelines for assessing best practices for the restoration of floodplain woodlands

The influence of hydrology on water uptake and growth of woody riparian species

The influence of hydrology and litter accumulation on floodplain species diversity

The influence of hydrology on sex ratios in dioecious floodplain species

The influence of hydrology on sexual and vegetative regeneration strategies in floodplain species

The influence of woody floodplain vegetation on flow resistance properties

The influence of hydrology on sex ratios in dioecious floodplain species

The influence of hydrology on sexual and vegetative regeneration strategies in floodplain species

Institutional mechanisms for floodplain management

The influence of woody floodplain vegetation on flow resistance properties

Relative contributions of sexual and asexual regeneration strategies in Populus nigra and Salix alba during the first years of establishment on a braided gravel bar bed.

Sap flow and water transfer in the Garonne River riparian woodland, France: first results on poplar and willow.

Mélange des eaux de la nappe phréatique et de la rivière.

The use of stable isotopes to evaluate water mixing and water use by flood plain trees along the Garonne river.

Success in the demographic expansion of Fraxinus excelsior

The Governance of Land Use in River Basins. Prospects for Overcoming Problems of Institutional Interplay with the EU Water Framework Directive.

Regional Governance and the EU Water Framework Directive. Institutional Fit, Interplay and Scale.

Populus nigra L. en vallée de Garonne : legs du passé et contraintes du présent.

Variation journalière de la consommation d eau de deux peupliers I214 et I45/51 en vallée de Garonne. Forêt-Entreprise

Regeneration: requirements and promotion measures

Floods, channel dynamics, and riparian ecosystems.

Geomorphic dynamics of floodplains:ecological implications and a potential modelling strategy.

Impact of riparian vegetation on hydrological Processes

Relationships between hydraulic traits and habitat preference for six Acer species occurring in the French Alps

Variations in the genetic, morphometric and growth characteristics of Populus nigra ssp. betulifolia clones: implications for river restoration in the U.K.

Interactive effects of soil moisture, vegetation canopy, plant litter and seed addition on plant diversity in a wetland community.
Funding Programme(s): 
EC Framework Programme 5
Link to Organisations:
Submitted by: EUGRIS Team Dr Stefan Gödeke  Who does what?  17/01/2005 08:47:00
Updated by: EUGRIS Team Professor Paul Bardos  Who does what?  03/10/2006 11:44:00