TESTNET Towards European Sectorial Testing Networks for Environmental Technologies

Country: EU Projects
Start Date:   1/9/2005         Duration: 36 months         Project Type: Concerted Action
Contract Number: Project Reference: 18311
Organisation Type:  EC Project
Water and sanitation-->Water and sanitation Overview
Water resources and their management -->Water resources and their management Overview
Project objectives:
Development of a structure of organisations and of a system for the verification of ready-to-market innovative environmentally sound technologies.   
-          the identification of promising EsTs and innovative solutions for verification;  
-          the design of a system for testing and verifying new and innovative EsTs;  
-          validation of the functionality of the verification system for the selected technology areas and for different types of organisational solutions;  
-          a sustainable follow-up of the verification system and networks, including the involvement of relevant stakeholders in the networks. 
Project Summary:
Given that the market for environmentally sound technologies (EsTs) is an international one and that the verification and testing of these technologies occur 
only to a limited extent, there is an urgent need to set up verification and testing centres for EsTs. TESTNET aims to enhance the application of EsTs through
the development of a European structure for the production of reliable and independent performance data for EsTs. TESTNET will cover two technology areas:
'water technologies' and 'clean production', while environmental monitoring will be included in these technologies. The strategic objective of TESTNET will be met through: - The identification of promising EsTs and innovative solutions for verification. - The design of a system for testing and verifying new and existing EsTs. - Validation of the functionality of the verification system for the selected technology areas and for different types of organisational solutions. - A sustainable follow-up of the verification system and networks, including a financially sound and reliable structure and organisation as well as the
involvement of relevant stakeholders in the networks. TESTNET will provide a powerful boost to the execution of the actual Environmental Technologies Action Plan (ETAP), in which one of the priorities is to launch
testing networks for EsTs. The European Commission is currently examining the best concept for a European EsT testing programme. The outcome of this study will be analysed and used as input in TESTNET. Lessons learned from the EPA Environmental Technology Verification programme in
the United States will also be incorporated in the project. A consortium of European sector organisations and leading research institutes in the field of EsTs
has been composed to ensure that the tasks of TESTNET are completed. The consortium spans the EU-25, including representation from the new member states, and
has considerable participation among SME's (26%). 018311_TESTNET_26082005.cpf
Achieved Objectives:
Initial results only (e,g, conceptual studies) available from:   
http://www.est-testnet.net/servlet/KBa ... 
Product Descriptions:
See above 
Additional Information:

Project Resources:
Funding Programme(s): 
EC Framework Programme 6
Link to Organisations:

The Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research TNO
Submitted by: EUGRIS Team Professor Paul Bardos  Who does what?  12/10/2006 19:42:00