Title: R&D Publication 20: Methodology for the Derivation of Remedial Targets for Soil and Groundwater to Protect Water Resources. 
Resource Type: document --> guidance / decision support 
Country: United Kingdom 
Year: 1999 
Availability: Environment Agency (1999). R&D Publication 20: Methodology for the Derivation of Remedial Targets for Soil and Groundwater to Protect Water Resources. nvironment Agency, Bristol. IBSN 1 8705 196 3 
Author 1/Producer: Environment Agency 
Author / Producer Type: Agency, regulator or other governmental or inter-governmental body 
Report / download web link (=direct link): http://publications.environment-agency.gov.uk/pdf/SR-DPUB20- ...  
Format (e.g. PDF): PDF 
EUGRIS Keyword(s): Contaminated land-->Risk assessment-->Receptor: Water
Contaminated land-->Risk assessment-->Risk assessment overview
Groundwater protection-->Groundwater protection overview
Short description: A methodology based on risk assessment and source-pathway-receptor-analysis, that leads to the derivation of site-specific remediation criteria, is presented. A tiered approach is used that allows structured decision making, cost-benefit analysis and progressive data collection and analysis. 
Submitted By: Mr Bob Barnes WhoDoesWhat?      Last update: 12/04/2005

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