Title: On the Use of Mixture Toxicity Assessment in REACH and the Water Framework Directive: A Review 
Resource Type: document --> technical publication --> journal article 
Country: Denmark 
Year: 2010 
Availability: Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal. 15(6): 1257-1272. 
Author 1/Producer: K. Syberg; T. S. Jensen; N. Cedergreen; J. Rank 
Author / Producer Type: University research group / research institute 
Article Weblink (=direct link): http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~db=all~content=a917 ...  
EUGRIS Keyword(s): Water and sanitation-->Wastewater
Water resources and their management -->Stresses, quality and ecological status
Short description: EXTRACT: Integrating chemical mixture assessments into REACH and the WFD New research has supported a more thorough integration of toxic mixture assessments into two major pieces of EU legislation: REACH and the Water Framework Directive. It recommended constructing a database of harmful chemicals in the environment which, among other uses, could assess mixture toxicity using a 'Concentration Addition' method. The effect of chemicals on ecosystems and human health is mainly due to exposures to mixtures rather than to individual chemicals. However, two large pieces of EU legislation aimed at regulating chemicals - the Registration, Evaluation and Assessment of Chemicals (REACH)1 and the Water Framework Directive (WFD)2 - primarily use approaches that assess the toxicity of single chemicals. Only specific types of mixtures, such as oil compounds, are covered by REACH. 
Submitted By: Professor Paul Bardos WhoDoesWhat?      Last update: 10/06/2010

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