Key note speakers

Policy Drivers

Dominique Darmendrail

Dominique DarmendrailHead of the Environment and Process division of BRGM, France.

Dominique Darmendrail is hydrogeochemist and currently scientific advisor on Contaminated Land Management at the Executive Division of BRGM:

Dominique is expert in national and international working groups in the fields of contaminated soil management and holds the position as General Secretary of the European Network "Common Forum one Contaminated Land";

The Common Forum on Contaminated Land, initiated in 1994, is a network of contaminated land policy makers and advisors from national ministries in European Union member states and European Free Trade Association countries.

Decision Support Tools

Paul Bardos

Prof Paul Bardos

Managing director of r3 Environmental Technology Ltd, United Kingdom

Paul Bardos is special Professor in Environmental Engineering at the University of Nottingham and a visiting professor at the University of Reading.

His interest in sustainable remediation began in 1996 with TNO looking at "extensive" remediation technologies, and continued as part of his work as one of the UK scientific representatives to CLARINET (The Contaminated Land Rehabilitation Network for Environmental Technologies in Europe). CLARINET was the first project to formulate concepts of sustainable remediation across Europe

Paul is member of the Steering group for the Sustainable Remediation Forum in the UK and of the NICOLE Working Group on Sustainable Remediation

Sustainable Remediation Technologies

Carlos Pachon

Carlos PachonOffice of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation, U. S. EPA

Carlos Pachon is Senior Program Analyst at U.S. EPA with overall focus on identifying and advancing best practices and new technologies in cleaning up contaminated sites.

Through his analytical work he contributes significantly to the pool of knowledge and information on the use of technologies in Superfund. He is currently engaged in helping define OSWER's green remediation strategy, spearheading several cross-program efforts to reduce the environmental footprint of cleaning up contaminated sites.

In recent years he also served as Deputy Director for Environmental Reviews with the United States Trade Representative (an office of the White House), and Special Assistant to the EPA Administrator.