KNAPPE Knowledge and Need Assessment on Pharmaceutical Products in Environmental Waters

Country: EU Projects
Start Date:   1/1/2007         Duration:          Project Type: Network
Contract Number: 
Organisation Type:  EC Project
Diffuse pollution-->Contaminants-->Contaminants overview
Water and sanitation-->Pollution
Water resources and their management -->Stresses, quality and ecological status
Project objectives:
KNAPPE project will carry out the state of knowledge and put emphasis on questions deserving attention such as:   
•	What is the list of most relevant pharmaceutical products (PPs) for the aquatic environment? Which indicators for supporting environmental managers, 
health authorities? • What is the efficiency of urban and industrial sewage treatment plants over a year? What is the fate and behaviour of PPs in sewage treatment plants? If receiving
waters are used for potable water supplies, does the presence of these compounds represent a potential hazard to human health? • Could we solve some problems by environmental or cleaner technologies? • What regulatory approaches, incentives, prevention actions can be implemented in order to lower PPs concentration in the environment? Does a European
practical guidance can be developed? • Can the impacts of PPs on the environment be reduced through the use of eco-pharmacostewardship approaches including the use of clean synthesis, classification
and labelling, and better communication of methods of ‘good practice'? • How can we better monitor the environmental impact of a pharmaceutical once it has received a marketing authorisation? KNAPPE project will initiate discussions through workshops and conferences with the concerned groups of experts and provide the information to all stakeholders
by means of the maximum readable ways.
Project Summary:
The KNAPPE project is a FP6 SSA project to describe state-of-arts of the    
current knowledge concerning the presence of pharmaceutical produtcs    
(PPs) in the environment and to propose recommendations (priority    
actions) to lower this presence. Over the (18 month) duration of the    
project, more than 50 000 data concerning manufacture, consumption,    
occurrence, elimination, impact, regulation, and stewardship of PPs have    
been collected and integrated. On the basis of the findings, there is no    
evidence to indicate that current levels of PPs in the environment appear to    
be at concentrations that will result in significant acute environmental    
impact or human damage. However, there is a public concern that such    
residues exist and thus further cost effective measures to reduce these    
residues without inhibiting patient care need to be considered. 
Achieved Objectives:

Product Descriptions:

Additional Information:

Project Resources:
Funding Programme(s): 
EC FP7: Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development.
Link to Organisations:
Submitted by: EUGRIS Team Professor Paul Bardos  Who does what?  31/12/2008 11:48:00