SMiRT Soil Mix Remediation Technology

Country: United Kingdom
Start Date:   1/10/2007         Duration: 36 months         Project Type: RTD
Contract Number: 
Organisation Type:  University research group / research institute
Contaminated land-->Remediation options-->In situ treatment technologies
Project objectives:
The project aims to achieve significant technical advancement and cost-savings by developing an innovative single SMT system for integrated remediation 
and ground improvement, with simultaneous delivery of wet and dry additives, and with advanced quality assurance system. As a new technology SMT suffers from
a lack of proven track record and associated stakeholder confidence. The project will hence use extensive field trials and laboratory testing to enhance the
use and increase validation of SMT with full involvement of stakeholders
Project Summary:
Soil mix technology (SMT) applied to the in-situ remediation of contaminated land is relatively new in the UK. It involves the use of mixing augers and additives 
to construct permeable reactive in-ground barriers and low-permeability containment walls, and for “hot-spot” soil treatment by stabilisation/solidification.
SMT is a cost effective and versatile approach with numerous environmental advantages.
Achieved Objectives:

Product Descriptions:

Additional Information:

Project Resources:
Funding Programme(s): 
Link to Organisations:

University of Cambridge
Submitted by: EUGRIS Team Professor Paul Bardos  Who does what?  11/05/2009 13:22:00