EUROLAKES Integrated Water Resource management for Important Deep European lakes and their Catchment Areas

Country: EU Projects
Start Date:   30/6/2000         Duration: 40 months         Project Type: RTD
Contract Number: EVK1-CT-1999-00004
Organisation Type:  EC Project
Water resources and their management -->Water resources and their management Overview
Project objectives:
EUROLAKES had the following main objectives:       
1.	Improving strategies concerning long-term management, short-term pollution control, and integrated monitoring regarding deep European lakes and 
their catchment areas: This will be accomplished by assessing available local experiences, defining appropriate model studies and integrating results
for planning priorities, and environmental and socio-economic benefits in the investigation sites selected. 2. Describing the seasonal and intra-annual dynamics and quantifying of key processes and parameters in deep European lakes such as key parameters from
both nutrient pathways, i.e. dissolved and particulate organic carbon and heterotrophic bacteria for the „organic pathway“ and phosphate, nitrate and phytoplanktonic
cells for the „mineral pathway“ and zooplankton as the integrative level of both preceding pathways of matter and energy fluxes. 3. Establishing additional ecological criteria to substantiate water and ecosystem quality targets for the management and policies in deep lakes and
their surroundings concentrating on issues like annual best zooplankton quality or the wave impact on bank erosion/ reed destruction. 4. Generalisation of a combined water quality lake/catchment management model to assess the impact of changing uses where main factors investigated will
be water intakes, land use, and tourism. 5. Recommendations to support European legislation and especially the EU Water Framework Directive. The recommendations will consider the specific
problems and circumstances of integrated water management of deep lakes in connection with their respective catchment areas.
Project Summary:
EUROLAKES aims at the improvement of planning strategies and EU regulations (in particular the EU Water Framework Directive) concerning the sustainable 
water management of important deep European lakes and their catchement areas. This includes long-term management, short-term pollution control and integrated
monitoring aspects and a generalised combined water quality lake/catchment area management model to assess impacts of changing uses like water intakes,
land use, and tourism. Part of the investigations will be activities to describe seasonal dynamics and quantification of key processes and parameters in deep
European lakes such as organic and mineral pathways of nutrients and the development of zooplankton. Further results are envisaged for a more detailed definition
of ecosystem quality targets for management and protection of deep lakes. Targets of EUROLAKES will be especially the Bodensee (Lake Constance), Lac Leman
(Lake Genevao, Loch Lomond, and Lac du Bourget.
Achieved Objectives:
To evaluate the implementation conditions of the recent European water policy the environmental aspects, water characterisation and the social, policy 
and economic aspects were considered of the five case studies Lac du Bourget, Bodensee, Loch Lomond, Lake Längelmävesi-Roine and Lac Léman. Key Recommendations to EU legislation have been summarized for the topics 'Ecological Criteria', 'Key Processes', 'Strategies' and 'Trans-boundary
large Deep lakes'. The specific physico-chemical and biological characteristics of such lakes and the 'Key Processes” that drive their hydrodynamics and ecological functioning
have been characterized. Within the deliverable “Strategies”, good examples of managerial and monitoring strategies of Loch Lomond, Lake Constance and Lac Léman are described.
Furthermore ecological monitoring requirements for the improvement of environmental indicators and meta-indicators in relation to the monitoring and
assessment of large, deep lakes and their catchments have been summarized. Within the EUROLAKES project an integrated water resource management tool for lakes managers, decision makers and possibly stakeholders has been provided.
Product Descriptions:
One major aim of this project was the qualitative and quantitative identification of conflicting uses of the lakes and the lakes‘ basins where undoubtedly 
the drinking water aspect is of primary but not exclusive importance. The EUROLAKES project contained 38 work packages which resulted in the respective deliverables.
They can be downloaded from the Eurolakes web page. The key-reports (generic) concern the topics: - First Analysis of Legislation - Policy Briefs of Key Recommendations to EU legislation - Key Processes (physico chemical and biological characteristics) - Improved Strategies - Ecological Criteria - System Definition The other public available reports concern the topics: - Current EU Regulations - Site Characterisation - Impact of Contaminants - Technical Considerations - Microbial Diversity Studies - Wave impact on shores and reed studies - Realistic residence times studies - Lake Stratification Studies - Carbon to Chlorophyll-a ratio - Renewal of constituents by convection - Internal seiche mixing study - River plume study - Primary elements in food chain
Additional Information:

Project Resources:

Integrated Water Resource Management for Important Deep European Lakes and their Catchment Areas: EUROLAKES Current EU Regulations

Policy Brief: Ecological Criteria

Policy Brief: Key Processes

Policy brief: Strategies

Policy brief: Trans-boundary Large Deep Lakes.

Key Processes

Improved Strategies

Ecological Criteria

Additional Ecological Criteria

System Definition: Lac du Bourget

System Definition: Loch Lomond

System Definition

System Definition: Loch Lomond

Current EU Regulations

Site Characterisation

Impact of Contaminants

Technical Considerations

Microbial Diversity Studies

Microbial Diversity Studies
Funding Programme(s): 
EC Framework Programme 5
Link to Organisations:
Submitted by: EUGRIS Team Prof Paul Bardos  Who does what?  03/07/2003 17:48:00
Updated by: EUGRIS Team Professor Paul Bardos  Who does what?  03/10/2006 11:41:00