AGRIBMPWATER Systems approach to environmentally acceptable farming

Country: EU Projects
Start Date:           Duration: 42 months         Project Type: RTD
Contract Number: EVK1-CT-1999-00025
Organisation Type:  EC Project
Soil-->Soil Overview
Water resources and their management -->River basins
Water resources and their management -->Water resources and their management Overview
Project objectives:
The main objective of the AgriBMPWater project is to provide planners in charge of the implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) to mitigate Non Point 
Source pollution of water with 1) a guideline allowing the definition of critical areas on which efforts should be placed in priority, and 2) a selection grid
permitting the assessment of BMPs in a three-dimensional space defined by environmental effectiveness, associated economic costs and social acceptability
by farmers and land managers. On the eight watersheds where the framework has been tested, the grids are immediately usable for local land managers. The models
have been calibrated and validated, so the framework can be readily used locally. Notice that some of the used models request important calibration, and thus
the grids are valid only on the watersheds where they have been designed or calibrated for.
Project Summary:
Due to the rising concern about agricultural non point water pollution, the project aims at the implementation of BMPs (Best Management Practices) to prevent 
or reduce Non Point Source (NPS) pollution from farms. The selection of the BMP for the relevant watershed is based on the criteria environmental efficiency,
economic cost and potential acceptability by farmers. 8 different watersheds were investigated during the project. Expected results should contribute
to help Member States choosing the most appropriate measures and ways for an efficient implementation of BMPs, with the support of scientifically validated
technical and economic recommendations, thus contributing to various EU policies such as CAP, Instruction 91/676/CEE, Instruction 80/778/CEE, and more
generally the European water policy.
Achieved Objectives:
Achieved Objectives:        
One achieved objective of the project has been the development of a six step framework to compare different BMPs for a given watershed. These steps are:        
 -Step 1 : Describing the watershed, and main water quality or environmental problems;        
-Step 2 : Describing and modelling the hydrology; Assessment of the ex ante effectiveness of each BMP;        
-Step 3 : Describing the economics. This includes ex ante cost of this introduction;        
-Step 4 : Using the results of steps 2 and 3 to derive a cost/effectiveness ratio;        
-Step 5 : Interviewing the farmers to assess the acceptability of BMPs and agri-environmental policy;        
-Step 6 : Comparing the cost/effectiveness ratio and the acceptability to build the final selection grid.        
For each case study hydrological and economic databases have been designed and filled for each case study.        
8 hydrological models have been used to test nearly 40 BMPs.         
The cost of the BMPs were estimated based on direct (related to the introduction of the measure) and indirect (born by other components of the economy) costs. 
The assessment of acceptability of BMPs have been performed in extensive case studies and farmer surveys and focus group studies.
Product Descriptions:
The main objective of the AgriBMPWater project was to provide planners in charge of the implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) to mitigate Non 
Point Source pollution of water with 1) a guideline allowing the definition of critical areas on which efforts should be placed in priority, and 2) a selection grid permitting the assessment of BMPs in a three-dimensional space defined
by environmental effectiveness, associated economic costs and social acceptability by farmers and land managers The available resources of the project are: - operational web site -Report “Guidelines to compare Best Management Practices at the Watershed scale” (Generic) - Hydrological and economic databases for the different case studies (Generic) - Calibrated models for the assessment of BMPs for the selected case studies (Pilot) - A list of publications is available at the projects web pages: Bärlund, I., S. Tattari, M. Yli-Halla and M. Åström (2002). Effect of intensified surface liming, control drainage and lime filter drainage on groundwater
level and drainage water quality on acid sulphate soils at research fields in Ilmajoki and Mustasaari. Final report, 42 pp. Garnier M. (2001). Il progetto AgriBMPWater. Genio Rurale, N. 5, Maggio 2001, pp. 53-59. Joukainen, S. and M. Yli-Halla (2002). Acid load from deep sulphidic layers of two well-drained acid sulphate soils.In press for Agriculture, Ecosystems
& Environment. Kaljonen, M. (2001). Mitä mieltä maatalouden ympäristönhoidosta? [What do you think of the agri-environmental management?]. Järviseudun sanomat 17.10.2001.
Kaljonen, M. (2002). Maatalouden ympäristöpolitiikan paikallisia sovellutuksia. Lappajärven valuma-alueen viljelijöiden näkemyksiä maatalouden
vesiensuojelusta ja ympäristöpolitiikasta. [Local Solutions of Agri-environmental Policy. Lappajärvi watershed's farmers' views on water protection
and agri-environmental policy]. To be published in the Publication Series of The West Finland Regional Environment Centre in autumn 2002. In Finnish. Leparoux P., V. Bégué and E. Guilbert (2001). Le Don, l'eau, la vie, une opération Ferti-Mieux pour l'amélioration de la qualité de l'eau par la modification
de pratiques agricoles, état des lieux, bilan de 7 années de fonctionnement, perspectives. Chambre d'agriculture de Loire Atlantique, octobre 2001, 70 p.
+ annexes. Piet L. (2002). Spatialisation d'un modèle d'équilibre général calculable pour l'étude de la localisation des activités agricoles à une échelle infra-nationale
[Integrating the spatial dimension into a computable general equilibrium model: a sub-national study of agricultural activity location]. Ph-D Thesis in
Environmental Sciences of the 'Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural, des Eaux et des Forêts', 315 p. Plachot L. (2001). Construction d'une Matrice de Comptabilité Sociale à partir du Système Européen des Comptes (SEC 95). Application à la France pour 1995.
[Using the European Accounting System (SEC 95) to build a Social Accounting Matrix. Application to France for 1995]. Mémoire de stage de maîtrise, Cemagref-Université
Bordeaux IV, 65 p. Romstad, E. (2003). Team Approaches in Reducing Nonpoint Source Pollution, Ecological Economics, 47(1) : 71-78 Strauss P. and E. Klaghofer (2001). Effects of soil erosion on soil characteristics and productivity. Die Bodenkultur, 52(2), pp. 147-153. Turpin N. and T. Bioteau (2002). Pollutions diffuses sur des bassins de l'ouest de la France : quelles données recueillir pour le diagnostic ? (Non point source
pollution on French western watersheds : which data for diagnosis ?). Ingénieries E.A.T., n°30 - June 2002, pp. 15-27
Additional Information:

Project Resources:

Systems approach to environmentally acceptable farming: EU Project, AgriBMPWater

Maatalouden ympäristöpolitiikan mittakaavat. Tapaustutkimus suojavyöhykesuunnittelun käytännöistä

Politiikka kohtaa viljelykäytännöt. Ympäristönhoitoa maatilalla. Policy Confronts Agricultural Practices. Taking care of the environment at the farm level

Die erosiven Niederschläge des März 2002 und ihre Folgen in zwei landwirtschaftlich genutzten Kleineinzugsgebieten

Modification de pratiques agricoles en présence d asymétries d information

Effect of intensified surface liming, control drainage and lime filter drainage on groundwater level and drainage water quality on acid sulphate soils at research fields in Ilmajoki and Mustasaari

Il progetto AgriBMPWater

Acid load from deep sulphidic layers of two well-drained acid sulphate soil

Mitä mieltä maatalouden ympäristönhoidosta? What do you think of the agri-environmental management?.

Maatalouden ympäristöpolitiikan paikallisia sovellutuksia. Lappajärven valuma-alueen viljelijöiden näkemyksiä maatalouden vesiensuojelusta ja ympäristöpolitiikasta. Local Solutions of Agri-environmental Policy. Lappajärvi watersheds farmers views on water protection and agri-environmental policy

Le Don, leau, la vie, une opération Ferti-Mieux pour l amélioration de la qualité de l eau par la modification de pratiques agricoles, état des lieux, bilan de 7 années de fonctionnement, perspectives

Integrating the spatial dimension into a computable general equilibrium model: a sub-national study of agricultural activity location

Team Approaches in Reducing Nonpoint Source Pollution

Effects of soil erosion on soil characteristics and productivity

Pollutions diffuses sur des bassins de l ouest de la France : quelles données recueillir pour le diagnostic ? (Non point source pollution on French western watersheds : which data for diagnosis ?)
Funding Programme(s): 
EC Framework Programme 5
Link to Organisations:
Submitted by: EUGRIS Team Dr Stefan Gödeke  Who does what?  04/12/2004 11:55:00
Updated by: EUGRIS Team Professor Paul Bardos  Who does what?  28/09/2006 21:06:00