DAYWATER Adaptive Decision Support System for Stormwater Pollution Control

Country: EU Projects
Start Date:           Duration: 36 months         Project Type: RTD
Contract Number: EVK1-CT-2002-00111
Organisation Type:  EC Project
Contaminated land-->Soil and groundwater processes-->Modelling
Water and sanitation-->Water and sanitation Overview
Project objectives:
The main objective of this proposal is to develop a decision support system for use by stakeholders who involve themselves in urban stormwater management. 
The decision support system needs to be adaptive (ADSS) since decisions are made on many spatial as well as temporal scales, reflecting the spatial topology
of urban catchment and the dynamic nature of urban development. The developed adaptive decision support system will be a combination of components organised
along road maps which are adapted to the way decisions are made in European urban areas. Partners and end-users will work closely to maximise the future utility of the ADSS. The project is organised along several loops where components will be
identified, in collaboration, by end-users and partners. A final test of the complete ADSS prototype will be also performed. Two specific work packages are
devoted to the production and test of the ADSS and its components. The other work packages will develop specific methodologies or transfer knowledge from other
fields to the USWM problem. A methodology will be developed for making the uncertainties visible and understandable to stakeholders.
Project Summary:
The projects aims at developing an adaptative decision support (ADSS) for use by stakeholders involved in urban water management. The ADSS is a combination 
of simulation models, assessment tools, databases, guidance documents, road maps, etc.. presented and operating together on a web site or CD-ROM. Starting
from an analysis of end-user's experience on decision making in stormwater source control, the research will focus on the functional behaviour of structural
and non structural best management practices (BMPs). Models will be developped for simulating pollution fluxes and assessing their possible control and
fate within BMPs, and for assessing risks and impacts related to urban stormwater. The project is carried out by a multi-disciplinary research team and includes
14 end-users corresponding to European cities presenting various climates and organisation, where ADSS will be developped and tested.
Achieved Objectives:
The main objective of the project was to develop a tool which can be used by stakeholders in urban storm water management. As the decisions are made within various 
space and time scales (topography and dynamic nature of urban development) the tool has to be adaptive. The development of an adaptive decision support system
(ADSS) provides a synthesis of components organised and tested in European urban areas. Several steps were taken to achieve the project targets: -A literature review of decision support tools was performed -the concept of risk in relation to storm water source control was analysed -A review of the Use of stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) in Europe was being performed. -the relevant criteria for the assessment of BMP performance were analysed -a specification of a GIS database structure was made
Product Descriptions:

Additional Information:

Project Resources:

Urban Stormwater Source Control Strategy within DayWater Project (FP 5 RTD): General Feature and Specific Issues in Cold Climate

Urban stormwater source control in European countries: DayWater project

Contextual water management, from necessity to opportunity

A European project (DayWater) investigating the integration of stormwater source control into sustainable urban water management strategies

Lutte contre la pollution des eaux de ruisellement urbaines: l Europe à la rescousse

The development of multi-criteria analysis for the evaluation of urban surface drainage options

Storm water management in Europe: Analysis of institutional contexts and mobilisations in BMPs implementation

Proceedings of regional Daywater (Adaptive Decision Support System for Stormwater Pollution Control) conferences

Review of decision support tools in Urban Storm Water Management’

White paper on risks related to urban stormwater

Review of the Use of stormwater BMPs in Europe

Surveying of urban surface materials and impervious areas using remote sensing

Decision-making processes in the context of urban stormawater source control management within European countries: DayWater project
Funding Programme(s): 
EC Framework Programme 5
Link to Organisations:
Submitted by: EUGRIS Team Dr Stefan Gödeke  Who does what?  18/03/2005 09:32:00
Updated by: EUGRIS Team Professor Paul Bardos  Who does what?  29/09/2006 16:29:00