Project objectives:
The project aimed to obtain information on the biogeochemical, chemicophysical and chemical degradation of major agrochemicals, to develop a procedure to measure both the agrochemicals themselves and their degradation products and to validate the procedures in the context of polluted areas in Europe, specifically the Po basin and the Emsland region of Germany
Additional Information:
Lead institution: Istituto di Ricerce Farmacologiche 'Mario Negri', Milan, Ialy
Partner Institutions:
Consejo Superior de INvestigaciones Cientificas, Barcelona, Spain
Statens Planteavlsforsog, Lyngby, Denmark
Consiglio nazionale delle Ricerche, Rome, Italy
Instituto Ricerche Breda SpA, Milan, Italy
Frauenhofer-Gesellschaft zur Forderung der angwandten Forschung e.V., Hannover, Germany
Universita degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy
This information was taken from a source other than the project site: European Commission (1994) Environment Research Programme, Catalogue of Contracts 1992-1994: Technologies and Engineering for the Environment. ISBN 92-826-8280-3