ATEAM Advanced Terrestrial Ecosystem Analysis and Modelling

Country: EU Projects
Start Date:   1/1/2001         Duration: 36 months         Project Type: 
Contract Number: EVK2-2000-00075
Organisation Type:  EC Project
Project objectives:
ATEAM's main objective is to assess the vulnerability of human sectors relying on ecosystem services with respect to global change. Ecosystem services are 
the conditions and processes through which ecosystems, and the organisms that make them up, sustain and fulfil human life. Vulnerability is the degree to which
an ecosystem service is sensitive to global change plus the degree to which the sector that relies on this service is unable to cope with the changes. ATEAM's integrative assessment approach includes several tasks: developing a comprehensive modelling framework for predicting the dynamics of services provided by major European terrestrial ecosystems at a regional
scale. developing macro-scale indicators of society's adaptive capacity to changes in ecosystem service provision. developing a range of scenarios for socio-economic development, land-use change, pollution levels, atmospheric composition and climate change up to
the year 2100. maintaining a continuous dialogue with stakeholders to ensure the applicability of results for the management of natural resources. developing a series of maps depicting regions and sectors that are especially vulnerable to global change
Project Summary:
Ecosystems provide a number of vital services for European people and society. Global environmental changes such as climate change, land use change and atmospheric 
pollution can have significant effects on these ecosystem services. For example, the capacity of European ecosystems to provide fresh water, agricultural
products, biodiversity and recreational opportunities is likely to be affected by global change. Many people and organisations in Europe have a direct interest in the well-functioning of ecosystems. The ATEAM project is concerned with the risks that
global change poses to the interests of these stakeholders. By assessing the vulnerability to global change of sectors relying on ecosystem services, ATEAM
will support stakeholders* in their decision-making and will promote sustainable use of ecosystems.
Achieved Objectives:
Now available via the project home page:   
The ATEAM final project report (pdf, 5.9 MB)   
The ATEAM mapping tool - a digital atlas of our results, consisting of the following files readme (pdf, 29 kB), CD cover (pdf, 9.6 MB), user manual (pdf, 1.6 
MB), additional material in Annex 1 (pdf, 7.9 MB), and Annex 2 (pdf, 193 kB), the installation executable for the atlas interface and databases exe, 51.8 MB)
The ATEAM final stakeholder workshop report (pdf, 1 MB)
Product Descriptions:
The ATEAM sectors: Agriculture | Forestry | Carbon storage | Water | Biodiversity | Mountains 
Additional Information:

Project Resources:
Funding Programme(s): 
EC Framework Programme 5
Link to Organisations:
Submitted by: EUGRIS Team Professor Paul Bardos  Who does what?  13/07/2007 10:11:00