SUMATECS Sustainable management of trace element contaminated soils - Development of a decision tool system and its evaluation
Country: European Union
Start Date:
Duration: 12
Project Type: RTD
Contract Number: SN-01/20
Organisation Type:
Consultancy, contractor or other service provider |
Contaminated land-->Contaminants-->Contaminants overview Contaminated land-->Contaminated land overview Groundwater protection-->Groundwater processes-->Groundwater processes overview Groundwater protection-->Groundwater protection overview Soil-->Processes Soil-->Soil Overview
Project objectives:
The development of “gentle”, in-situ remediation technologies (i.e. phytoremediation,
in situ immobilisation, etc.) has been under intensive research
over the last few decades (see Figure 1). A great deal of progress
has been achieved at the experimental level, but the application of these
technologies as practical solutions is still at its early stage. On the one
hand, methods for determination of the trace element (metals and nonmetals)
fractions relevant for their ecotoxicology (i.e., the bio available
fraction) still have their limitations since they may insufficiently reflect the
potential risks. On the other hand, a number of in-situ remediation options
are available and thus a decision tool system has to be developed allowing
to choose the most suitable technique. TECS (trace element contaminated
soils) management moved into a new century where environmental
decisions must be ‘socially-robust’ within a context of sustainable development
& is a part of the conceptual framework “Risk-based land management”.
All efforts need to ensure management and/or remediation is affordable,
feasible, effective & sustainable.
Additionally, further aspects that are closely related to the remediation
process were previously only partly covered by research projects. These
aspects include the potential impacts on the local environment (soil processes
and functioning, socio-economic impacts on the local population,
etc.), but also the principal question on the sustainability of the remediation
process and its target.
The aim of this project is to make a literature and project-based review
(including country specific state of the art and current procedures) to identify
the current status of research and application in Europe and to (i) derive
decision tool systems, remediation scenarios including the potential
impacts on the local environment and (ii) define further research needs.
This project is a unique opportunity to make an intensive review of existing
information on the topic of gentle soil remediation techniques. For this
evaluation, not only peer-reviewed scientific papers, but also nonpublished
information (e.g., project reports) will be included. An additional
major contribution to this overview will be interviews with experts, engineers,
stakeholders, government members etc. A major aim is also to establish
pedagogical didactics to interact with students associate a classroom
in each participant country to follow and feed back the project progress
and results. In general, not only the direct effects of remediation
(i.e., removal or stabilisation of and to contaminants), but also the indirect
effects on environment and society will be evaluated in detail.
The results of this project will be the basis for a major step forward to an
intensified implementation of gentle remediation technologies. New information
will be published in international scientific journals, but will be also
made available for national environmental agencies, local authorities,
stakeholders, etc. Additionally, major research needs will be summarized
in order to strengthen future research efforts that will close remaining
knowledge gaps.
Achieved Objectives:
Product Descriptions:
Additional Information:
Project Resources:
Funding Programme(s):
SNOWMAN coordinated Call
Link to Organisations:
Austrian Research Centers GmbH
University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences - Dep. Forest and Soil Sciences
Hasselt University
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
INERIS Institut National de l'Environnement Industriel et des Risques
INRA - Intstitut National de la Recherche Agronomique (National Institute for Agricultural Research)
Université de Technologie de Compiègne
Ruhr-University Bochum
Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Landwirtschaft
University of Florence
Lulea University of Technology
University of Brighton
Submitted by:
Mr Arnd Wieland
Who does what?
10/01/2008 13:04:00
Updated by:
Mr Arnd Wieland
Who does what?
10/01/2008 14:27:00