PhytoSUDOE Demonstration of the improvement in soil biodiversity, functionality and ecosystem services through phytomanagement in contaminated and degraded soils within the Interreg Sudoe area

Country: EU Projects
Start Date:   1/7/2016         Duration: 28 months         Project Type: Demonstration
Contract Number: SOE1/P5/E0189
Organisation Type:  EC Project
Contaminated land-->Remediation options-->In situ treatment technologies
Project objectives:
PhytoSUDOE´s main objective is the management of degraded environments and their restoration by means of applying novel phytoremediation techniques that 
promote biodiversity, enhance ecosystem functionality and enable the sustainable use of resources. The main result will be the establishment and regular monitoring of a network of field demonstration trials in contaminated or degraded sites in order to
demonstrate that phytomanagement can provide or restore vital ecosystem services. PhytoSUDOE´s sites network covers a wide range in land use or type, environmental
conditions and implemented phytomanagement options. Some of the sites are located within Natural Reserves or Natura2000 areas. By implementing phytomanagement
techniques we aim to restore the functionality and provision of ecosystem services from currently contaminated or degraded natural sites. The various field
sites will permit on-site demonstration of phytomanagement and thus ensure successful stakeholder engagement and awareness (administrative bodies, regulators,
private companies, general public, scientific community etc.). PhytoSUDOE will demonstrate that the implementation of appropriate phytomanagement can provide or restore vital ecosystem services from contaminated
soils under a broad range of pollutants, environmetal conditions and land uses. Successful ecosystem restoration requires a multi-disciplinary approach,
and an exchange of knowledge and experience from leading experts in relevant fields. In this regard, the PhytoSUDOE consortium brings together experts in
the fields of micro-organism ecology (archaea, bacteria and fungi) and soil fauna (protozoa, microarthropods, nematodes and oligochaetes), plant ecology
and agronomy, geology and soil science, landscape planning and risk assessment. PhytoSUDOE will enhance existing data, protocols and monitoring methodologies
in the phytomanagement field. Therefore, PhytoSUDOE will contribute to the achievement of the EU objectives regarding remediation and soil protection to
ensure the functional sustainability of soil as a key natural resource for our society.
Project Summary:
Soil contamination is a widespread problem in southwest Europe with adverse effects on biodiversity and human health. With the goal soil restoration, PhytoSUDOE 
will promote a wider use phytomanagement techniques by managers and owners of contaminated lands. Phytomanagement options are less invasive and more cost-effective
than civil engineering remediation techniques and aim to produce non-food crops in combination with in situ stabilisation (“inactivation”) and plant-based
(“phytoremediation”) options. They can gradually result in an increase in soil biodiversity, quality and functionality, and carbon sequestration. However,
the lack of field evidence demonstrating the provision of these vital ecosystem services has resulted in phytomanagement options being under-utilised as
practical remediation strategies in the European contaminated land sector.
Achieved Objectives:

Product Descriptions:

Additional Information:
The project PhytoSUDOE (SOE1/P5/E0189) is supported by the European Regional Development Fund (European Commission) through the V Interreg Sudoe Programme 
Project Resources:
Funding Programme(s): 
Link to Organisations:
Submitted by: EUGRIS Team Professor Paul Bardos  Who does what?  12/06/2017 15:37:00