Training Type: Conference
Suitable for: Consultants, Students, Regulators, Problem holders, Practitioners, Others with an interest in urban land management, Developers
Provided By: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Germany, and Deltares, NL
Language: English
Venue: centre convencions internacional barcelona (ccib), Barcelona, Spain, Spain
Date(s): 16/04/2013 to 19/04/2013
Duration: 1-4 Days
Cost: 345 to 795 (€ EURO) Payment until Nov. 12, 2012:
Regular EUR 795
Lecture / poster presenters: EUR 695
(PhD) students: EUR 345
Payment after Nov. 12, 2012:
Regular EUR 845
Lecture / poster presenters: EUR 745
(PhD) students: EUR 395
Payment on-site in Barcelona at check-in counter:
Regular EUR 945
Lecture / poster presenters: EUR 845
(PhD) students: EUR 445
Abstract submission date: online at http://www.aquaconsoil.org
Oral presentations requested: Yes
Poster sessions: Yes
Activities: Yes
Exhibition: Yes
Pre-conference field trips: No
Technical tours/ site visits: Yes
Post conference field trips: No
Other conference activities: With the AquaConSoil conference in Barcelona in April 2013, organizers UFZ and Deltares will continue the tradition of Europe´s largest conference on applied-knowledge of the management of soil-water systems*.
AquaConSoil is expecting 1,000 delegates from research institutes and universities, governmental and consultant organizations and from industry. AquaConSoil 2013 provides great opportunities for scientists, companies and policy makers:
o be informed of and inspired by the latest developments in the fields of
• sustainable use of soil-water systems,
• resource-management with a special focus on arid and semiarid regions,
• monitoring and assessment,
• remediation of contaminated water, soil and sediment
• concepts and policies for sustainable management of soil-water systems and resource efficiency
★ To extend and enforce their network and start new cooperation activities.
Contact: Ogarit Uhlmann
Web Link:
Submitted by:
Ms Ogarit Uhlmann
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