Call for Papers ! / Intersol 2024 - International Conference-Exhibition on Soils, Sediments & Water
Training Type: Conference
Suitable for: Consultants, Students, Regulators, Problem holders, Practitioners, Others with an interest in urban land management, Developers
Provided By: WEBS
Language: English
Venue: Paris, France, France
Date(s): 26/03/2024 to 28/03/2024
Duration: 1-3 Days
Cost:  (€ EURO)
Abstract submission date:  Soil Health: Inventory and Prospects: 1) Regulatory & Legal Levrs or Constraints 2) Sustainable Management of Territories 3) Technical Solutions 4) Sanitary Aspects 5) Innovation: Young Researchers, Creators, Startups Session
Oral presentations requested: Yes
Poster sessions: No
Activities: No
Exhibition: Yes
Pre-conference field trips: No
Technical tours/ site visits: No
Post conference field trips: No
Other conference activities: 
Contact: Vincent Limousin
Web Link:
Submitted by:  Mr Vincent Limousin  Who does what?