Organisation Outline:
The South East England Development Agency was established in 1999 to take the strategic lead in promoting the sustainable economic development of the region. SEEDAs mission is to work with its partners to make the South East of England a World Class region, achieving sustainable development and enhanced qualty of life as measured by: economic prosperity; environmental quality; social inclusion - ensuring opportunities and meaningful employment for all.
SEEDA works with its partners across all sectors to agree the strategic framework and priorities for promoting sustainable economical development in all parts of the regions. The first economic strategy was published in October 1999 following consultation with 20,000 organisations and individuals across the region.
SEEDA also works with their partners to develop and fund activities that promote business enterprise, competitiveness and innovation e,g, enterprise hubs linking business to universities and research centres; identify and meet learning skills requirements; attract international investment to create jobs and enable sustainable growth; address the regeneration needs of deprived communities; propmote the sustainable use of land by bringing previously developed sites back into use.
In addition to the initiatives and programmes SEEDA suuports through its partners, an Innovation Framework has been developed to highlight the key elements that need to be in place in order to create, maintain and grow and the most competitive business environment for all businesses in the South East. SEEDA places great importance on the input of partners from Higher Education, local authorities, private/public partnerships and other key business support organisations.
Since there are few large-scale brownfield sites in the South East, SEEDA has established a Brownfield Land Assembly Trust specifically to target small, derelict or unused sites in urban areas for regeneration and re-use for housing. The trust has begun its work with land acquisitions in Hastings and Thames Gateway.