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Local Authorities Research & Intelligence Association (LARIA)
United Kingdom
Organisation:  Local Authorities Research & Intelligence Association (LARIA)
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Weblink: http://www.laria.gov.uk
Organisation's email address:
NOTE: This must not be a personal email address(i.e. mentioning a person's name)
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Contact / stakeholder type(s)
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Organisation Outline:
LARIA was established in 1974 to promote the role and practice of research within the field of local government and provide a supportive network for those conducting 
or commissioning research. Membership is open to anyone working in research and intelligence for a local authority or in an allied field, such as consultancy.
As at May 2003 there were 134 full individual members, 486 associate members and 188 corporate members. Activities include organising conferences and workshops,
producing publications and representing the local government R&I community. One of the aims of LARIA is to encourage networking amongst local government researchers, so publishes a list of research contacts in local authorities and
other organisations where local government research is undertaken. Extracts from the list are available to LARIA members.


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