Organisation Outline:
The network aims, via the website, to bring together people from all areas to discuss Natural Attenuation, its concepts and other areas related to Natural Attenuation. NNAGS aims to build on existing collaborations, identify knowledge gaps and research needs, stimulate new developments and relationships and provide improved understanding of real site problems from interaction with end-users of the technology. It also aims to interface with more global networks that cover wider issues concerning contaminated land, to provide greater technical depth and understanding of the technology and allow transfer of acquired skills and experience to facilitate its application and acceptance in field situations.
NNAGS provides a forum that facilitates the development, application and evaluation of novel new techniques and protocols for performance monitoring of natural attenuation and robust risk assessment of contaminated sites.
NNAGS provides an explanation of Natural Attenuation, links to conferences and workshops, publications and other relevant networks. The network produces a Newsletter, which is sent out to registered users each month and is also published on the NNAGS website.
NNAGS is sponsored by The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and is managed by The Groundwater Protection and Restoration GROUPS (GPRG), based at the University of Sheffield, The Environment Agency, AEA Technology and Shell.
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