Organisation Outline:
Urban Mines is an environmental charity committed to finding innovative solutions for waste materials in a manner which values people and which respects the earth. Working with the public and private sectors the aim of Urban Mines is, to provide information, advice, support, direction and financial solutions to waste problems.
Brownfield Surveys:
In 1998 Urban Mines Ltd. set up the National Brownfield Sites Project. The Project aimed to contribute to a better understanding of the problems and potentials associated with the redevelopment of brownfield sites.
The main objectives of the study included:
* Investigating the availability of information on brownfield sites.
* Developing a typology for the classification of brownfield sites.
* Consideration of the location and spatial distribution of brownfield sites.
* Determination of factors influencing the development potential of brownfield sites.
The results of the survey were entered into a geographical information system (GIS), allowing the location of brownfield land in all areas to be mapped - an example of this is shown below. The GIS system also allows more detailed interrogation of the data to enable stakeholders determine the best end use of particular brownfield sites.