Organisation Outline:
The GISFI - French Scientific Interest Group - Industrial Wasteland develops synergy between different skills, based around a scientific and technological project dedicated to acquisition of knowledge for sustainable requalification of degraded sites polluted by past industrial activities.
The issue of requalification of degraded industrial sites is related to major industrial changes in recent years (in Lorraine these especially concern steel and coal activities, textiles, small industries, etc.). In addition to their economic consequences, these changes have resulted in the creation of thousands of hectares of industrial wasteland, the renovation of which almost always involves highly complex pollution problems.
The degraded zones, which include mining, industrial, railway, military and urban sites, represent considerable areas in Europe (over 6,000 ha in Lorraine, for example).
The GISFI is a consortium of 11 public research laboratories in Lorraine associated with the INPL, UHP, Nancy II and Metz Universities, INRA, CNRS, INSERM and BRGM.
Its members come from a wide spectrum of disciplines, ranging from geosciences to human sciences. They have joined forces for a transversal interdisciplinary project contributing to the resolution of pollution-related issues.
This group has been joined by two private laboratories, a scientific archaeological association and institutional partners (EPFL*, DRIRE) and the steel industry (Bail-Industrie), together with the GELFI network. The GISFI has been selected within the framework of the State-Region Plan Contract for the ' After the Mine Closures ' aspect.