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The Land Restoration Trust
United Kingdom
Organisation:  The Land Restoration Trust
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Weblink: http://www.landrestorationtrust.org.uk//
Organisation's email address:
NOTE: This must not be a personal email address(i.e. mentioning a person's name)
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Contact / stakeholder type(s)
Non-governmental organisations
Owners of land and water resources - Private Sector
Contaminated land-->management&admin
Contaminated land-->Remediation options-->Recycling/reuse
Organisation Outline:
The Land Restoration Trust was created by a partnership comprising English Partnerships, Groundwork, the Forestry Commission and the Environment Agency, 
the Land Restoration Trust is tackling enduring dereliction across England. The Land Restoration Trust’s approach to the restoration of derelict land is to: Raise the profile of green spaces; Complement other local and regional initiatives;
Provide long-term solutions for a large number of otherwise abandoned brownfield sites; Promote good practice; Undertake research and demonstration activities;
Achieve economies of scale. The Land Restoration Trust aims to improve the environment and quality of life for communities by providing long-term sustainable management of public
spaces across England. The Trust has a 10-year programme to acquire, own and manage previously derelict and under-used land, to deliver environmentally informed,
community-led regeneration. Through its three year ‘pilot phase’, the Land Restoration Trust will secure the restoration and management of some 1,500 hectares establishing partnership-working
systems to enable it to expand its portfolio to 10,000 hectares by year 10 – an area the size of Coventry.


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