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MediTerra - MediTerra Environmental Consultants, S.L.
Organisation: MediTerra MediTerra Environmental Consultants, S.L.
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Weblink: http://www.mediterra.es
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Contact / stakeholder type(s)
Consultancy, contractor or other service provider
Contaminated land-->Contaminants-->Contaminants overview
Contaminated land-->Contaminated land overview
Contaminated land-->Cost benefit analysis-->Financial risk assessment
Contaminated land-->policy and regulatory ...
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Organisation Outline:
MediTerra Consultors Ambientals, S.L. (MediTerra) is an independent company formed by a team with more than 15 years experience in projects developed both 
locally and internationally. Since its foundation in 1998, its activity has been oriented to the investigation and remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater
and the performance of environmental Compliance and Corporate Audits and environmental Due Diligences. MediTerra manages and performs its projects at national and international levels, being its three major clients: the Private Sector (industries, law firms,
project management companies, real estate agencies, finance entities, etc.); Multinational Consultancy Companies with which MediTerra collaborates
as a local specialist associate; and the Public Administrations to which MediTerra acts as an advisor in the development of environmental policies concerning
contaminated soil and groundwater. MediTerra is widely recognised within the environmental consultancy sector thanks to the professional quality of its team, its experience and specialisation,
the final quality of its services, and its capacity to respond quickly and efficiently to the demands of its clients. A big evidence of that is the number of multinational
consultancy firms that contract MediTerra as their supporting collaborator company in Spain. In addition, these collaborations with multinational companies
of the environmental sector has led MediTerra create its own international network of companies so that local clients that also operate in other countries
can easily access to quality environmental services without any geographical, legal or language impediments. Due to the number of projects MediTerra performs and the fact that most clients require environmental results in a very short time, MediTerra has incorporated
the specific environmental tools (legal database software, risk assessment models, etc.) which minimize the projects time and cost.


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