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CRL - Churngold Remediation Ltd
United Kingdom
Organisation: CRL Churngold Remediation Ltd
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Weblink: http://www.churngold.com
Organisation's email address:
NOTE: This must not be a personal email address(i.e. mentioning a person's name)
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Contact / stakeholder type(s)
Consultancy, contractor or other service provider
Organisation Outline:
Churngold Remediation has built their reputation on providing best value solutions by promoting innovation in conjunction with long established earthwork 
and civil engineering expertise. Our highly regarded team of specialist engineers can now point to a list of successfully completed projects highlighting
the use of a full range of physical, biological, chemical and thermal techniques for the in-situ and ex-situ treatment of both contaminated soils and groundwater.
The diverse range of technologies allows Churngold to offer the treatment of all forms of hazardous wastes either on-site or at newly established dedicated
soil treatment centres across the UK.


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