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Nocon BV
Organisation:  Nocon BV
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Weblink: http://www.nocon.eu
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NOTE: This must not be a personal email address(i.e. mentioning a person's name)
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Contact / stakeholder type(s)
Consultancy, contractor or other service provider
Contaminated land-->Contaminants-->Chlorinated aliphatics
Contaminated land-->Remediation options-->In situ treatment technologies
Contaminated land-->Risk assessment-->Sources
Contaminated land-->Risk management-->Selection of remediation options
Contaminated land-->Site investigation-->Information sources ...
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Organisation Outline:
We provide state-of-the-art know how through fieldexperience on several in-situ technologies. On one specific technology we have in depth experience, Six-Phase 
Heating. This technology has been designed and implemented at 4 European sites. Understanding the need for an European scope for niche products within a relative
small market, we participate at several European platforms.


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