Organisation Outline:
Much of our work is coordinated through our three Committees, which bring together key representatives from each sector. For each area of work we have an overall goal and a set of individual aims and objectives for the next five years.
Air Quality and Climate Change
To promote integrated policies and practices that reduce the negative effects on health and the environment of both air pollution and greenhouse gases.
To promote integrated policies and practices that encourage the effective management and control of noise.
Land Quality
To promote integrated policies and practices that encourage the use and reuse of land in a way that protects human health and the environment.
Our Work
To accomplish our objectives we carry out a range of different activities:
Developing Policy developing and advocating for policies that, if adopted by government, industry and others, will help achieve our objectives.
Lobbying encouraging government and industry to adopt certain policies, processes and procedures, through direct approaches, press and publicity, consultation responses, campaigning and working in partnership.
Producing Guidance providing authoritative guidance for those implementing regulations, provision of 'best practice' examples, supporting the development and dissemination of existing guidance to ensure wide scale use and a consistent approach.
Standard Setting challenging existing standards where we feel they are not high enough and offering appropriate standards.
Acting as a Watchdog monitoring implementation of laws and regulations at EU, national and local levels, and highlighting any failures.
Providing Training providing practical training, both nationally and through regional Divisions, for those in the private and public sector involved in understanding and implementing environmental improvements.
Building Partnerships creating awareness, developing policy and implementing practical action through supporting partnerships, promoting networking and enabling others to change within the UK and internationally.
Providing Printed Resources producing high quality reference documents such as the Pollution Handbook, information leaflets, monthly Briefing, and policy briefings for members.
Maintaining and Developing Website maintaining and developing our website so that it not only remains a source of high quality information, but also becomes a place where information is exchanged and ideas developed.
Awareness Raising developing resources, holding events and promoting and joining larger activities to bring about behavioural change, such as Noise Action Week.
Project Work pursuing specific funded projects that support our objectives.