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Sussex University
United Kingdom
Organisation:  Sussex University
Department: Centre for Environmental Research
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Weblink: http://www.lifesci.susx.ac.uk/cer/
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Contaminated land-->Contaminated land overview
Contaminated land-->Information management systems-->Geographical information systems
Contaminated land-->Risk assessment-->Exposure pathways
Contaminated land-->Risk assessment-->Risk assessment overview ...
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Organisation Outline:
The Centre for Environmental Research (CER) is a research group within the Department of Biology & Environmental Science. Within CER, Environmental Geochemistry 
research topics centre around the processes controlling the mobility, persistence, availability and biological effects of toxic substances in soil and
aquatic systems: (1) Assessment of the sources, pathways and fate of anthropogenic contaminants, for example on contaminated land or for endocrine disruptors
in biotic system; (2) Geochemical cycling and reactivity of contaminants in estuarine and coastal systems; Isolation and characterisation of dissolved
organic matter and natural particles; Bioaccumulation and toxicity of pollutants; (3) Environmental hazards, exposure and risk assessment, to humans and
biota in fresh water and marine systems, specializing in the bioaccumulation and toxicity of pollutants. Spatially resolved risk assessment within GIS;
(4) Estimation of uncertainty caused by sampling environmental systems, and its implications for the interpretation of environmental processes and regulation;
(5) Fate of endocrine disrupting chemicals (oestrogenic pollutants) in the biotic environment. Development of biomarkers of exposure to oestrogenic phenolics
and investigations on the effects of xenoestrogens on steroid metabolism in aquatic organisms. chemical ecology of aquatic invertebrates and the identification
of lipid metabolites involved in the reproductive physiology of marine molluscs.


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