RESCUE Regeneration of european sites in cities and urban environments
Country: EU Projects
Start Date:
Duration: 39
Project Type: RTD
Contract Number: EVK4-CT-2001-00068
Organisation Type:
EC Project |
Brownfields Contaminated land-->Contaminated land overview Contaminated land-->Cost benefit analysis-->Tools Contaminated land-->funding Contaminated land-->management&admin Contaminated land-->Remediation options-->Ex situ treatment technologies Contaminated land-->Remediation options-->In situ treatment technologies Contaminated land-->Remediation options-->Remediation options overview Contaminated land-->Risk assessment-->Tools and procedures Contaminated land-->Risk management-->Strategies Contaminated land-->Site investigation-->Sampling strategy Contaminated land-->Wider impacts / sustainability-->Sustainable / green remediation
Project objectives:
The process of industrial change has resulted in the creation of so-called 'brownfields' across Europe, particularly in urban areas. These sites present particular challenges to national and regional policymakers, including the remediation of hazards to human beings, groundwater and ecosystems. But there is also a need to facilitate the reintegration of rehabilitated sites into the property market and to ensure that they can be brought back into new economic uses. The management of the increasing amount of derelict land in inner city locations is one of the most important issues on the agendas of today´s urban planners and property related private stakeholders. Taking into account the ongoing consumption of open space for housing, retailing and industry, it is recognised that a sustainable built environment cannot be achieved without re-integrating derelict land into the property markets and encouraging development back to central urban locations.
Started in March 2002, RESCUE is a 36-month research project integrating the concept of sustainability into brownfield regeneration. Based on the analysis and evaluation of current practice in industrial core regions in France (Nord-Pas de Calais), United Kingdom (Derbyshire, North-East of England), Poland (Silesia) and Germany (Ruhr Area, Southern District of Leipzig), RESCUE distils best practice approaches at reduced costs and integrates its results into a holistic system approach containing new methodologies, procedures and instruments for a sustainable regeneration of European industrial brownfield sites.
Natural resources are finite. The huge amount of derelict land in the EU and its accession states represents a hitherto under exploited resource. Future urban development in industrial areas has to take place on brownfield sites to be sustainable. Based on the specific expertise of its partners and the long years of experience in the participating regions of the North East (UK), Nord-Pas de Calais (F), the Ruhr and the South of Leipzig (D), and the Montréal Conurbation (CAN), RESCUE examines the current State-of-The-Art, distils best practice approaches at reduced costs, and integrates its results into a holistic system approach for brownfield regeneration. RESCUE contributes to the implementation of European and regional policy and programmes and will offer criteria to support future funding decisions. RESCUE will set up specific internet based training facilities to raise standards and awareness in brownfield regeneration.
Achieved Objectives:
In the past, brownfield regeneration was predominantly discussed within the boundaries of the various disciplines involved, often with a focus on technical aspects. Integrating the concept of sustainability into brownfield regeneration, RESCUE overcame these boundaries and discussed the widespread economic, social, environmental and institutional facets of the topic in an integrated and equal way. The main objective of RESCUE therefore was to develop a holistic system approach for the sustainable regeneration of industrial brownfield sites in Europe. The RESCUE system approach is designed to raise the quality of brownfield regeneration projects, reduce open space consumption, support sustainable economic development and competitiveness, improve the sustainability of the built environment, improve the quality of life and cultural identity of citizens and improve urban management.
Product Descriptions:
Definition of sustainable brownfield regeneration:
“Sustainable Brownfield Regeneration is the management, rehabilitation and return to beneficial use of the brownfield land resource base in such a manner as to ensure the attainment and continued satisfaction of human needs for present and future generations in environmentally non-degrading, economically viable, institutionally robust and socially acceptable ways.”
RESCUE further specified this definition to mayor fields of work within brownfield regeneration, defining 33 sustainability objectives and 61 sustainability indicators for the management of contamination and the reuse of soil and debris, the management of existing buildings and infrastructures, land use and urban design, planning processes and methods for citizen participation, and the management of brownfield projects.
Identification of strengths, weaknesses and gaps within the current practice in brownfield regeneration
Eight RESCUE case studies, representing the current practise of brownfield regeneration in industrial core regions in France (Nord-Pas de Calais), Germany (Ruhr Area, South of Leipzig Region), Poland (Silesia) and the UK (Derbyshire, Tyne and Wear), have been analysed in terms of sustainability, using the RESCUE sustainability objectives and indicators as a yardstick. Within the case study projects, strengths, weaknesses and gaps have been identified for major fields of work within brownfield regeneration in terms of the sustainability objectives.
Compilation of good and best practices
Based on the identification of strengths, weaknesses and gaps, RESCUE compiled good and best practices. These represent a valuable source of ideas for the practical work of real estate owners, planners, architects, engineers and public authorities involved in brownfields.
Recommendations and tools
To support the good and best practice examples, RESCUE compiled and developed recommendations and tools for practical end users which help to achieve the sustainability objectives. These comprise e.g. planning instruments, guidelines, handbooks and checklists.
Sustainability Assessment Tool (SAT)
Sustainability cannot be defined generally for all brownfield projects since a land use, design or methodology that proved to be suitable at one site is not necessarily appropriate for another site, another context, another time or another mix of stakeholders with a different set of priorities. The RESCUE-SAT provides a methodology to consider variable parameters and conflicting priorities to assess future brownfield regeneration projects in terms of site / locale specific sustainability and thus to provide support for funding and/or permission decisions.
Holistic system approach for sustainable brownfield regeneration in Europe
The RESCUE system approach is presented in the Manual “Best Practice Guidance for Sustainable Brownfield Regeneration” as a clear, non-scientific, useful and significant guidance to support sustainable urban regeneration.
Virtual Training Centre (VTC)
The online RESCUE VTC allows newcomers to and practitioners in brownfield regeneration to acquire awareness and understanding of the broad spectrum of topics considered by the project.
Additional Information:
Project Resources:
Rescue Project: Guidance - Management of contamination and reuse of soil and debris
Development of an Analytical Sustainability Framework for the Context of Brownfield Regeneration in France, Germany, Poland and the UK
Rescue Project: Guidance - Management of existing buildings and infrastructures
Rescue Project: Guidance - Sustainable land use and urban design
Rescue project: Guidance - Best practices in citizen participation
Rescue Project: Virtual Training Centre
Rescue Project: Technical and institutional validation reports for Wp2-5 Stakeholder & Validation Team
Administrative Tools and Incentives for Sustainable Brownfield Regeneration.
Rescue Project: Guidance - Management of the brownfield regeneration projects
Manual: Best practice guidance for sustainable brownfield regeneration
Funding Programme(s):
EC Framework Programme 5
Link to Organisations:
Land Quality Management
Submitted by:
Dr Stefan Gödeke
Who does what?
31/08/2005 14:33:00
Updated by:
Professor Paul Bardos
Who does what?
10/10/2006 13:24:00