EC FP7: Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development.
Funding Organisation: European Commission
European Commission European Union Full Details
Country of origin: European Union
What type of research is funded? Applied, Basic, Demonstration
Projects based on defined research needs (programme driven) or an open call (demand driven)? Programme Driven
Total budget:  50500 Million EUROs
Funding rate by programme:  50-100%
Programme start year: 2006
Duration of programme: 7 years
Programme open for funding of international participation:  Yes
Programme has ongoing or terminated international projects:  Yes
Contaminated land-->Contaminated land overview
Groundwater protection-->Groundwater protection overview
Diffuse pollution-->Diffuse pollution overview
Water resources and their management -->Water resources and their management Overview
Soil-->Soil Overview
Water and sanitation-->Water and sanitation Overview
Cooperation - Collaborative research   
• Health   
• Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology   
• Information and Communication Technologies   
• Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies   
• Energy   
• Environment (including climate change)   
• Transport (including Aeronautics)   
• Socio-economic sciences and Humanities   
• Security   
• Space   
Ideas - European Research Council   
• Frontier research actions   
People - Human Potential, Marie Curie actions   
• Initial training of researchers - Marie Curie Networks   
• Life-long training and career development - Individual fellowships   
• Industry-academia pathways and partnerships   
• International dimension - outgoing and incoming fellowships,   
international cooperation scheme, reintegration grants   
• Excellence Awards   
Capacities - Research capacities   
• Research infrastructures   
• Research for the benefit of SMEs   
• Regions of Knowledge   
• Research Potential   
• Science in Society   
• Support to the coherent development of research policies   
• Specific activities of international cooperation   
Nuclear research and training   
• Fusion energy - ITER   
• Nuclear fission and radiation protection   
Joint Research Centre   
• Direct actions in Euratom   
• Non-nuclear actions 
Long Description: 
FP7 is the EU's main instrument for funding research in Europe and it will run   
from 2007 to 2013.   
FP7 is designed to respond to Europe’s employment needs and competitiveness.  FP7 supports research in selected priority areas - the aim being to make, or 
keep, the EU as a world leader in those sectors. How is FP7 made up? FP7 is made up of 4 main blocks of activities forming 4 specific programmes plus a fifth specific
programme on nuclear research (see topics above).
Open to korganisations in the EU 25 and EEA countries associated with the FP7 (e.g. Norway, Finalnd).  Particpation is also open to third countries, but usually 
on a self-funding basis.
WEB Link:
Projects Supported by this Programme:

THESEUS Advanced bipolar membrane processes for remediation of highly saline waste water streams

SoilCam Advanced integrated characterisation and time-lapse Monitoring

ADVOCATE Advancing sustainable in situ remediation for contaminated land and groundwater

POLLINS Automated Pollution Inspection Scanning System for Soil using a robotic vehicle (

BIOMETA Biomethylation and Biovolatilisation of Arsenic in Soils: Using Carbon and Hydrogen Isotopes to Unravel the Mechanisms and Pathways Involved

CADASTER CAse studies on the Development and Application of in-Silico Techniques for Environmental hazard and Risk assessment

ChemScreen Chemical substance in vitro/in silico screening system to predict human- and ecotoxicological effects

ClimateWater ClimateWater-Bridging the gap between adaptation strategies of climate change impacts and European water policies

SOILSERVICE Conflicting demands of land use, soil biodiversity and the sustainable delivery of ecosystem goods and services in Europe

CONTAMED Contaminant mixtures and human reproductive health – novel strategies for health impact and risk assessment of endocrine disrupters

ISOSoil Contaminant specific isotope analyses as sharp environmental forensics tools for site characterisation, monitoring and source apportionment of pollutants in soil

IsoSoil Contaminant specific isotope analysis

PROSUITE Development and application of standardized methodology for the PROspective SUstaInability assessment of TEchnologies

NAMETECH Development of intensified water treatment concepts by integrating nano- and membrane technologies

DROPS Development of macro and sectoral economic models to evaluate the role of public health externalities on society

AQUAREHAB Development of rehabilitation technologies and approaches for multipressured degraded waters and the integration of their impact in river basin management

ECODIS Dynamic sensing of chemical pollution disasters and predictive modelling of their spread and ecological impact

ECOFINDERS Ecological Function and Biodiversity Indicators in European Soils

NANO-ECOTOXICITY Ecotoxicity of metal nanoparticles in soils

ENSURE Environmental Assessment of European Waste and the Sustainable Use of Resources

ENVASSO ENVironmental ASsessment of Soil for mOnitoring

Enrieco Environmental Health Risks in European Birth Cohorts

FLOW-AID Farm Level Optimal Water management: Assistant for Irrigation under Deficit

GLOCOM Global contaminated land management

DORIS Ground Deformations Risk Scenarios: an Advanced Assessment Services

GENESIS Groundwater and dependent Ecosystems: NEw Scientific basIS on climate change and land-use impacts for the update of the EU Groundwater Directive

GENESIS Groundwater and Dependent Ecosystems: New Scientific and Technological Basis for Assessing Climate Change and Land-use Impacts on Groundwater

HEALS Health and Environment-wide Associations based on Large population Surveys

HEISTT High Efficiency In Situ Treatment Technology

HOMBRE HOlistic Management of Brownfield REgeneration

ESPREME Integrated assessment of heavy metal releases in Europe

Digisoil Integrated system of data collection technologies for mapping soil properties

Water4Crops Integrating biotreated wastewater reuse and valorization with enhanced water use efficiency to support the Green Economy in EU and India

iSOIL Interactions between soil related sciences – Linking geophysics, soil science and digital soil mapping

KNAPPE Knowledge and Need Assessment on Pharmaceutical Products in Environmental Waters

LIAISE LIAISE Linking Impact Assessments to Sustainability Expertise

EcoWater Meso-level eco-efficiency indicators to assess technologies & their uptake in water use sectors

MINOTAURUS Microorganism and enzyme Immobilization: NOvel Techniques and Approaches for Upgraded Remediation of Underground-, wastewater and Soil

ModelProbe Model Driven Soil Probing, Site Assessment and Evaluation

MAGICPAH Molecular Approaches and MetaGenomic Investigations for optimizing Clean-up of PAH contaminated sites

NanoFATE Nanoparticle Fate Assessment and Toxicity in the Environment

SOIMON New Fast and Reliable Technology for Soil Inspection in Contaminated Sites with Machinery Condition Monitoring

OBELIX OBesogenic Endocrine disrupting chemicals: LInking prenatal eXposure to the development of obesity later in life

ORCHESTRA Organising dissemination on results of projects on Chemical evaluation, spreading techniques for Risk Assessment

Phyto2Enegy Phytoremediation driven energy crops production on heavy metal degraded areas as local energy carrier

PRIMUS Policies and Research for an Integrated Management of Urban Sustainability

RECARE Preventing and remediating degradation of soils in Europe through land care

RISK-CYCLE Risk-based management of chemicals and products in a circular economy at a global scale

STEP-WISE Science, Technology and Policy Interfacing using WISE–RTD

STEPWISE Science, Technology and Policy Interfacing using WISE-RTD

SoilTrEC Soil Transformations in European Catchments

UPSOIL Sustainable soil ugrading by developing cost-effective, biogeochemical remediation approaches

UPSOIL Sustainable Soil Upgrading by Developing Cost effective, Biogeochemical Remediation Approaches

SUME Sustainable Urban Metabolism for Europe

BRIDGE sustainaBle uRban plannIng Decision support accountinG for urban mEtabolism

NANOREM Taking Nanotechnological Remediation Processes from Lab Scale to End User Applications for the Restoration of a Clean Environment

timbre timbre – An Integrated Framework of Methods, Technologies, Tools and Policies for Improvement of Brownfield Regeneration in Europe

TURAS Transitioning towards urban resilience and sustainability

TRUST Transitions to the Urban Water Services of Tomorrow


UMBRELLA Using MicroBes for the REgulation of heavy metaL mobiLity at ecosystem and landscape scAle: an integrative approach for soil remediation by geobiological processes

VOLANTE Visions of land use transformations in Europe

photocleanwater Water Detoxification Using Innovative vi-Nanocatalysts

STREAM Water Research Meets Policy and Industry
Root WEB Link:
Submitted by: Professor Paul Bardos EUGRIS Team Who does what?               Request editing privileges for this posting