Joint Call for trans-national research projects “Towards Effective River Basin Plans”
Funding Organisation: IWRM-Net Consortium
Country of origin: EU Projects
What type of research is funded? Applied, Basic
Projects based on defined research needs (programme driven) or an open call (demand driven)? Demand Driven
Total budget:  2 Million EUROs
Funding rate by programme:  50-100%
Programme start year: 2008
Duration of programme: 3 years
Programme open for funding of international participation:  Yes
Programme has ongoing or terminated international projects:  No
Water resources and their management -->Water resources and their management Overview
Water resources and their management -->River basins
Water resources and their management -->Costs, benefits and sustainability
Water resources and their management -->River basin management
Water resources and their management -->Monitoring and mitigation
Water resources and their management -->Stresses, quality and ecological status
IWRM-NET first joint call is a trans-national initiative funding by IWRM-NET partners. After one year and a half, IWRM-NET partners have agreed on a common 
research programme dealing with Integrated water Resource Management within the context of the Water Framework Directive implementation. The focus of this call is applied research to support development of the 2015 river basin plans. IWRM-NET wishes to develop a series of case studies, which
include field testing and applications that can be used by river basin managers across Europe. Trans-national collaborative research projects will be directed
to the following two topics: * Hydrological and morphological pressures and impacts on ecological status * Water Governance
Long Description: 
With reference to the opening statements IWRM-Net would like to invite research that brings together scientific and management disciplines to deliver new 
approaches to managing water sustainably. The research period will be for approximately 24 months between 2008 and 2010. The focus for this first call is on
applied research that will support the development of the second river basin plans. IWRM-Net would like to develop a series of case studies with in the field
testing and application that can be used by relevant river basin managers across Europe and the research would need to consider this in their outputs. Within
this requirement there is also a need to consider longer term issues such as climate change to start building links to long-term research and knowledge management
processes (e.g. foresight and horizon scanning). General Principles for research: • A comparison across IWRM-Net countries, looking at sites, methods and processes to develop science based guidelines and identify good practice in achieving
integrated water resources management outcomes, the long-term aim being to develop a common framework for integrated water resources management with multiple
tools that can be applied at the local level. • Involvement of the practitioners of water resources management in the research projects and transfer of knowledge to the relevant groups so that the information
quickly becomes knowledge. IWRM-Net has developed the following two topic areas for its first joint call; • Hydrological and morphological pressures and impacts on ecological status • Water Governance
for full guidance view: ... 
WEB Link:
Projects Supported by this Programme:

Root WEB Link: http://www/
Submitted by: Professor Paul Bardos EUGRIS Team Who does what?               Request editing privileges for this posting