Leven met Water / Living with Water
Funding Organisation: Foundation Leven met Water - Contact Person: ir. H.M.C. Satijn - Address: P.O. Box 420, 2800 AK Gouda - Phone: +31 (182) 540 696 - e-mail: mail@levenmetwater.nl
Country of origin: Netherlands
What type of research is funded? Applied, Basic, Demonstration
Projects based on defined research needs (programme driven) or an open call (demand driven)? Programme Driven
Total budget:  45.7 Million EUROs
Funding rate by programme:  40%
Programme start year: 2004
Duration of programme: 6 years
Programme open for funding of international participation:  Yes
Programme has ongoing or terminated international projects:  Yes
Groundwater protection-->Groundwater protection overview
Water resources and their management -->Water resources and their management Overview
Water and sanitation-->Water and sanitation Overview
Socio-economic and technological elements of water management, Groundwater protection, Integrated water resources management, Water and sanitation, 
Long Description: 
Living with water is supporting both basic and applied research as well as demonstration of new concepts. Funded projects are programme driven based on the 
research agenda of the programme, which has been formulated together with representatives of the market. Applicants from other Member States are eligible for funding as fas as they are contributing to research. International projects are under formulation,
giving the status of the programme, which started in 2004. Fhe financial constitution of this programme is a mix of general state budget (40%), local authorities (40%) and enterprises (20%). The mission statement: mobilizing, developing, focusing, embedding and making applicable the knowledge required to strengthen knowledge infrastructure
in the Netherlands to attune in a sustainable manner Leven met Water (Living with Water) with spatial developments in support of safety, welfare, wellbeing
and the economy in the 21st century. This program is supporting innovative research projects on water management with the focus on accommodating water instead
of defence against water.

WEB Link: http://www.levenmetwater.nl
Projects Supported by this Programme:

Root WEB Link: http://www.levenmetwater.nl
Submitted by: Maike Hauschild EUGRIS Team Who does what?               Request editing privileges for this posting