Funding Organisation: BMBF ---- Contact: Schwerpunktbereiche I sowie II A und B: Projektträger Jülich (PTJ), Bereich Umwelt - Uwe Wittmann - Wallstr. 17-22, 10179 Berlin, Germany - Tel +49-030-20199476, Fax +49-030-20199430 - E-Mail: --- Schwerpunktbereich II C und D and III: - Projektträger GSF - Ingrid Balzer - Kühbachstraße 11, 81543 München, Germany - Phone: +49 89/651088-56 - Fax: +49 89/651088-54 - E-Mail:
Country of origin: Germany
What type of research is funded? Applied
Projects based on defined research needs (programme driven) or an open call (demand driven)? Programme Driven
Total budget:  20 Million EUROs
Funding rate by programme:  100%
Programme start year: 2005
Duration of programme: 5 years
Programme open for funding of international participation:  Yes
Programme has ongoing or terminated international projects:  No
Brownfields, land management, land use, reduction of land consumption 
Long Description: 
REFINA is a new 'Förderschwerpunkt' of the BMBF; REFINA stands for 'Forschung für die Reduzierung der Flächeninanspruchnahme und ein nachhaltiges Flächenmanagement' 
and deals within tree main focus topics with land management, land use and reduction of land consumption. Deadlines to submit project outlines: - topic I + II: 31 January 2005 - topic III: 29 April 2005. Funding rate varies from 50 (private companies) - 100% (universities, research institutions).

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Projects Supported by this Programme:

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