GreenWWater Heavy metal monitoring device to improve the environmental safety of wastewater emissions and sewage sludge quality (Green WWater)

Country: Hungary
Start Date:   1/11/2008         Duration: 29 months         Project Type: RTD
Contract Number: Eurostars E!4371
Organisation Type:  Developer
Water and sanitation-->Water and sanitation Overview
Project objectives:
Electrolite Cathode Atmospheric Glow Discharge (ECADG) is a proven analytical technique developed by Aqua Concorde Ltd. This technique was demonstrated 
to have sub-ppm detection limit performance for Zn, Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb and other heavy metals in water. It has unique advantages of requiring little or no sample
preparation and accepts 'dirty' samples containing organic contaminants, oils, fats, and suspended matter. GreenWWater project aimed to develop an on-line, low maintenance, on-site, continuous monitoring device for the detection of heavy metals in wastewater.
Project Summary:
The different parts of the prototype were developed individually:        
(i) A sample treatment unit tailored for the special composition (fat and oil emulsions) of wastewaters was developed, it contains a self-cleaning rotating 
slit-filter unit, developed in the framework of this project. Further, the preparation of an analytical sample and automatic adjustment of the pH was carried
out. (ii) A so called discharge cell was developed. It is a flow though cell, in which a glow discharge plasma is generated and acts as emitter of light with specific
wavelength determined by heavy metal contamination. The optimal geometry and also high voltage power supply was developed within the project framework.
(iii) A spectrometer and its optical connection system was defined and constructed according to a design optimized carefully. The electric and hydraulic connections were designed to be compact and to ensure smooth working conditions. Parallel with physical integration a control
panel, software and hardware specifications for operation and PC communication was developed. The control of the system is divided into two parts: the microcontroller
with embedded software, that is built in the measurement unit and a PC based software, which also acts as an interface for user communication.
Achieved Objectives:
The system prototype was tested in two different fields: in the South-Pest Wastewater Treatment Plant between 13 and 16 November 2010 and between 13 and 16January 
2011 in Barcelona, Spain. During these trials the monitor was working autonomously for more than 72 hours. The results of the GreenWWater monitoring were in
accordance with parallel conventional laboratory tests. Calibration was good. Spiking with internal standard solution was successful, resolution and
detection limit of the GreenWWater monitor was acceptable.
Product Descriptions:
The main features of the measurement device are: a flow through measuring cell for 10 ml per minute liquid flow rate, measure range for Cd concentration in the 
range of 0.1 - 10 mg/l and for Zn, Cu, Ni and Pb levels in the range of 1 – 100 mg/l, frequency is automatically adapted to the pollution event detection: the higher
the observed concentration the higher the sampling frequency ranging from 2 to 6 sampling/hour.
Additional Information:

Project Resources:
Funding Programme(s): 
National Research and Development Programmes (NKFP)
Link to Organisations:

Aqua Concorde Water Analysis and Water Technology Ltd.
Submitted by: Dr Tamas Cserfalvi  Who does what?  13/08/2011 21:03:00
Updated by: Dr Tamas Cserfalvi  Who does what?  15/08/2011 15:19:00