Integration4Water Integration 4 Water

Country: EU Projects
Start Date:           Duration:          Project Type: Concerted Action
Contract Number: 
Organisation Type:  EC Project
Contaminated land-->Contaminated land overview
Diffuse pollution-->Diffuse pollution overview
Groundwater protection-->Groundwater protection overview
Soil-->Soil Overview
Water and sanitation-->Water and sanitation Overview
Water resources and their management -->Water resources and their management Overview
Project objectives:
The overall goal of the project Integration4Water is to stimulate participation of research teams from the New Member States and Accession Candidate Countries 
in the projects of the present and future EU RTD Framework Programmes through active contribution to the implementation of the ongoing FP6 workprogramme as
well as to the development and implementation of the upcoming FP7 workpropgramme in the research area of Water cycle including soil-related aspects To accomplish this goal the following objectives have been planned: development of a multifunctional, internet-based information service aimed as a “one- stop- shop” for dissemination and exchange of information on water
related research conducted by NMS/ACC and OMS organizations and for project dissemination, development of a database of NMS/ACC organisations and research teams including SMEs active in water research, structured for the FP projects development
needs and combined with a dedicated partner search engine accessible through the service web page, workshops event for NMS/ACC researchers comprising 3 concurrent workshops with panel sessions focused on developing the contributions in the forms of
potential research topics and instruments for their realisation to the workprogramme of the FP7 in the area of Water Cycle including soil related aspects.
The topics will be tailored to the available documents on the FP7 specific workprogramme as well as the Strategic Research Agenda of the European Water Supply
and Sanitation Platform.
Project Summary:
To address the research topics concerning water and soil environment defined in the of the Sub-Priority Global Change and Ecosystems on a European level and 
to accomplish the ambitious goals of the present (FP6) as well as future (FP7) workprogramme, it is necessary to ensure that the critical mass is involved in
terms of research capacities and geographical representation of the scientific potential and that there is an adequate geographical representation of the
essential scientific potential. Therefore, the mission of Integration4Water is to: Contribute to the creation of the European Research Area in water research including soil related aspects through integration of the research potential
and scientific communities from the New Member States
Achieved Objectives:

Product Descriptions:

Additional Information:

Project Resources:
Funding Programme(s): 
EC Framework Programme 6
Link to Organisations:
Submitted by: EUGRIS Team Dr Stefan Gödeke  Who does what?  31/08/2005 15:07:00
Updated by: EUGRIS Team Professor Paul Bardos  Who does what?  03/10/2006 12:02:00