Steam Enhanced Dual Phase Vapour Extraction at a Former Oil Depot
Country: United Kingdom
Start Date:
Duration: 3
Project Type: Feasibility study
Contract Number:
Organisation Type:
Consultancy, contractor or other service provider |
Brownfields Contaminated land-->Remediation options-->In situ treatment technologies
Project objectives:
Before this project Steam Injection of this type had never previously been utilised in the UK, requiring in-house bespoke designs from first principles.
The project required the remediation of impacted soils from the unsaturated zone. The fractured dual porosity aquifer had been contaminated for almost 60 years by highly viscous engine oils. Historical evidence suggested that pump and treat and dual phase vapour extraction would not work and a more robust solution was required.
A multileveled thermally enhanced abstraction and in-situ biodegradation using stream stripping coupled with a dual phase vacuum extraction system (DPVE) was designed and built in-house enabling a rapid remediation of LNAPL, dissolved phase and sorbed phase hydrocarbon contamination. A DPVE LNAPL recovery system without thermal enhancement was operated as a control. The combination of bother the innovative (the stripping system) with the robust (the DPVE system) resulted in a tenfold increase in product recovery and significant reductions in projected remediation timeframes.
Achieved Objectives:
Product Descriptions:
Additional Information:
Project Resources:
Funding Programme(s):
Link to Organisations:
Churngold Remediation Ltd
Submitted by:
Miss Claire Walker
Who does what?
17/05/2006 08:55:00
Updated by:
Professor Paul Bardos
Who does what?
28/09/2006 17:32:00