NICOLE - NICOLE: Network for Contaminated Land in Europe
Organisation: NICOLE NICOLE: Network for Contaminated Land in Europe
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Organisation Outline:
NICOLE (Network for Contaminated Land in Europe) was set up in 1995 as a result of the CEFIC “SUSTECH” programme which promotes co-operation between industry 
and academia on the development of sustainable technologies. NICOLE is the principal forum that European business uses to develop and influence the state
of the art in contaminated land management in Europe. NICOLE was created to bring together problem holders and researchers throughout Europe who are interested
in all aspects of contaminated land. It is open to public and private sector organisations. NICOLE was initiated as a Concerted Action within the European Commission’s
Environment and Climate RTD Programme in 1996. It has been self-funding since February 1999. NICOLE’s overall objectives are to: • Provide a European forum for the dissemination and exchange of knowledge and ideas about contaminated land arising from industrial and commercial activities;
• Identify research needs and promote collaborative research that will enable European industry to identify, assess and manage contaminated sites more
efficiently and cost-effectively; and • Collaborate with other international networks inside and outside Europe and encompass the views of a wide a range of interest groups and stakeholders
(for example, land developers, local/regional authorities and the insurance/financial investment community).