Organisation:  aboutREMEDIATION
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Weblink: http://www.aboutremediation.com/
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NOTE: This must not be a personal email address(i.e. mentioning a person's name)
Contact / stakeholder type(s)
Non-governmental organisations
Organisation Outline:
aboutREMEDIATION is Canada's leading information resource on site remediation and brownfields redevelopment. It is a private/public website, launched 
in March 2001, and managed by the Ontario Centre for Environmental Technology Advancement (OCETA) and EcoLog Information Resources Group. Stakeholders
and practitioners can access relevant information and tools to guide them through remediation, reclamation and redevelopment. The Ontario Municipal Brownfields Redevelopment Toolbox has been developed as a guide and resource for Ontario municipalities to assist them with urban
renewal, redevelopment and revitalization. This guidance document aids understanding of the steps or process of redevelopment and the role that a municipality
must play to motivate the brownfields redevelopment industry. To make the toolbox easily accessible to Ontario Municipalities, it has been developed as a
feature on the website in modular format. The toolbox will be evolving over time as new information is identified and new tools are created. The site has information pages on redevelopment basics and remediation solutions covering the following topics: Redevelopment basics: Property development;
Government initiatives; Risk management/insurance; Legal issues; Financial incentives; Sustainable communities. Remediation solutions: Site characterisation; Research & development; Featured case studies; Business directory; Technologies database; Case studies
database; Education & Training; Technology verification; Technology profiles. A free bi-monthly AR E-Letter is available by subscription and back issues can be searched for news and articles. email contact is via an on-line enquiry form.