IWA - International Water Association
Organisation: IWA International Water Association
Log in for contact details
Weblink: http:///www.iwahq.org
Organisation's email address:
NOTE: This must not be a personal email address(i.e. mentioning a person's name)
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Contact / stakeholder type(s)
Professional / trade / industry associations, institutes or networks
Groundwater protection-->Groundwater protection overview
Water and sanitation-->Water and sanitation Overview
Water resources and their management -->Water resources and their management Overview
Organisation Outline:
IWA’s Vision  
Connecting water professionals worldwide to lead the development of effective and sustainable approaches to water management.  
IWA’s Mission  
To create and foster a global network of leading-edge water professionals through the provision of services and products to members, including conferences, 
publications and support for member groups. In addition, to represent the views of members in international forums and to project key messages to the sector
at large, aimed at advancing best practice in sustainable water management.