Cardiff University
United Kingdom
Organisation:  Cardiff University
Department: Geoenvironmental Research Centre
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University research group / research institute
Contaminated land-->Contaminated land overview
Contaminated land-->Remediation options-->MNA
Contaminated land-->Wider impacts / sustainability-->Sustainable / green remediation
Groundwater protection-->Groundwater processes-->Geochemistry ...
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Organisation Outline:
The Geoenvironmental Research Centre (GRC) is based in the Cardiff School of Engineering, in Cardiff University, Wales UK. Fields of research at the centre 
include; contaminated land and clean-up technologies for contaminated land, landfill engineering, land reclamation, slope stability, soil strengthening,
waste disposal including nuclear waste, engineering behaviour of unsaturated soil, heat losses from buried objects, attenuation characteristics of soils,
arsenic poisoning of groundwater, and the influence of environmental conditions on the performance of underground distribution systems. The Geoenvironmental Research Park (GRP) is an all-Wales research and development facility, which has been established by, and is being lead by the GRC,
involves a number of local, national and international organisations who work in the broad field of land regeneration and sustainability. The Land Regeneration Network (LRN) provides a networking platform for all stakeholders of contaminated land and industrial waste management in Wales.
IThe principle function of the LRN is to provide a business to business networking forum where regional, national and international issues on land regeneration,
remediation, industrial waste and sustainable development can be raised, and where Clients, Regulators, Research providers and Service providers can discuss
their views with other interested parties. GRP hosts GeoEnvNet, a network aimed at users and providers of infrastructure in the area of Geoenvironmental Engineering. In particular the areas of landfills,
underground waste disposal, contaminated land, future research needs and training requirements for European industry are focused upon. The class of infrastructure
covered by the network includes large-scale testing facilities, large-scale computing facilities and centres of competence. RESCUE (Regeneration of European Sites in Cities and Urban Environments) is a 36-month research project, started in March 2002, aimed at integrating the
concept of sustainability into brownfield regeneration. ...