INTEGRA SITES INTEGRA SITES - INTEGRAted Management and Revitalisation of Contaminated SITES

Country: France
Start Date:           Duration:          Project Type: Demonstration
Contract Number: 
Organisation Type:  EC Project
Project objectives:
Due to structural change in many industrial countries abandoned sites have emerged where industries once flourished, leaving behind derelict land in the 
heart of European cities with the consequence of loss of employment, social problems and deterioration. More than 1 million brownfields are spread all over
Europe. While this waste of land, often well placed for local transport and services, proceeds, investors demand new land to construct new projects. This demand
of land is mostly supplied by sealing unused land in the green belts of the cities. In Germany 130 hectares are sealed daily, leading to deterioration of inner
city districts and dissipation of ecologically valuable land. The revitalisation of abandoned sites which is necessary for the establishment of new industries is often impaired by investment risks such as the contamination
of soils. The cities applying to this proposal have all had an industrial past, partly based on heavy industry (steel works), coal mining, textile industry, chemical/pharmaceutical
industries and other industrial branches.
Project Summary:
The Integra Sites project intends to face the industrial restructuring as a problem common to the proposing cities, but also other cities in the regions of North 
Rhine Westphalia, Silesia and Nord-Pas-De Calais as well as cities all over Europe by providing a strategy for targeted resource management and recycling
of urban sites. In order to establish sustainable city development, Integra sites project will help turning around the undesirable development of increasing numbers
of derelict sites and sealing green sites instead. Redeveloping such sites, often called brownfield sites, is a crucial element of the European Commission’s
strategy for urban sustainability. An important measure to achieve this is the persuasion of investors to select inner city brownfields instead of outer city
greenfields by actively offering them suitable former industrial sites with reliable information on contamination and costs of revitalisation. The Integra sITES project wants to facilitate this process by bringing together all stakeholders involved in revitalisation of sites such as investors,
city planners, environmental departments, engineering offices and research institutes as well as banks/insurance companies in order to collect user requirements
of each group. In order to achieve this aim different steps have to be taken. Topic of investigation shall be the preference of investors for greenfields in the surroundings
of the cities instead of brownfields inside the cities. Therefore a round table shall be established with people from all areas affected to collect the specific
troubles and thoughts. The next step is to find already existing support tools and concepts for the sighted problems in order to design a tool which combines all the collected ideas,
solutions and tools in one hand to help potential investors make a positive decision for Brownfield-recycling. The collected information will provide the basis for a first step towards a creation of an architecture for a decision support tool including a guideline
and a software, which will provide necessary information for all stakeholders presenting all possible investment sites in a city in a user-friendly way. An objective in the long run will be the completion of a “real-life” software developed from the architecture designed by the currently running project.
Achieved Objectives:

Product Descriptions:

Additional Information:

Project Resources:

INTEGRA SITES - Integrated Management and Revitalisation of Contaminated Sites
Funding Programme(s): 
EC Other programmes
Link to Organisations:
Submitted by: EUGRIS Team M Jean François Brunet  Who does what?  26/07/2005 09:49:00
Updated by: EUGRIS Team Professor Paul Bardos  Who does what?  03/10/2006 12:00:00