The project developed laboratory, intermediate and field scale composting systems as enrichments for xenobiotic-degrading micro-organisms. A summary of the state of the art of the disposal of paper processing residues was also produced, as was an assessment of the stability and neutrality of the composts produced. The project also provided an evaluation of applications of the specific composted substances in the bioremediation of contaminated land.
Additional Information:
Lead Institution:
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
Partner Institutions:
Universitat Kaiserslauten, Kaiserslauten, Germany
Horticulture Research International, Littlehampton, UK
National Board of Waters and the Environment, Helsinki, Finland
Univerite Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium
This information was taken from a source other than the project site: European Commission (1994) Environment Research Programme, Catalogue of Contracts 1992-1994: Technologies and Engineering for the Environment. ISBN 92-826-8280-3