Availability: |
R&D Project P2-208, Technical Report P2-208/TR/3 prepared by AEA Technology and Shell Global Solutions.
Publisher: |
Environment Agency, Bristol, UK.
Publisher City: |
Available from the Environment Agency R&D Dissemination Centre, C/o WRc, Frankland Road, Swindon, Wilts, SN5 8YF.
Short description: |
Direct push technology (cone penetrometer and Geoprobe) was used to gather information on the lateral and vertical distribution of contaminants at the SIReN (Site for Innovative Research on Natural Attenuation) site and groundwater monitoring wells were installed to delineate a benzene plume
Long description: |
Direct push technology (cone penetrometer and Geoprobe) was used to gather information on the lateral and vertical distribution of contaminants at the SIReN (Site for Innovative Research on Natural Attenuation) site and groundwater monitoring wells were installed to delineate a benzene plume. BTEX contamination was found at the top of the sandstone aquifer although no pathway was found to explain how the BTEX had reached the aquifer. There was no evidence from the vertical profiling that the contamination had migrated through the boulder clay and into the sandstone at other locations. Contamination in the aquifer did not extend as far to the south-east as had been postulated in the Conceptual Site Model. A styrene plume co-mingled with BTEX, TMBs and naphthalenes was confirmed in the shallow groundwater but no new chlorinated solvent contamination was detected. The most significant electron acceptors for anaerobic hydrocarbon degradation in the shallow groundwater were ferric iron, sulphate and bicarbonate.