Title: Predicting Chemical Toxicology and Fate 
Resource Type: document --> technical publication --> book / book chapter(s) 
Country: EU Projects 
Year of publication: 2004 
Availability: Published by CRC Press. ISBN 0415271800 http://www.crcpress.com/ 
Author 1/Producer: Cronin, M & Livingstone, D 
Author / Producer Type: Media and publishers sector 
Format (e.g. PDF): Other 
EUGRIS Keyword(s): Contaminated land-->Risk assessment-->Toxicological information
Long description: Provides an introduction to and overview of the development of computational models and QSARs Describes QSAR methods, including the sources of data, calculation of physicochemical, topological, and molecular orbital properties as well as the appropriate use of statistical techniques Illustrates how QSARs and computational methods may predict human health endpoints, including the development of models for mutagenicity and carcinogenicity in addition to pharmacokinetic and metabolic effects Details methods available to predict environmental toxicities, including acute toxicity, endocrine disruption, and the persistence and fate of chemicals Discusses various applications of QSARs to solve toxicological problems, including the replacement of animals in chemical testing, validation and usage by governmental and regulatory agencies, and successful approaches for predicting effects Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (QSARs) are increasingly used to predict the harmful effects of chemicals to humans and the environment. The increased use of these methods in a variety of areas (academic, industrial, regulatory) results from a realization that very little toxicological or fate data is available on the vast amount of chemicals to which humans and the environment are exposed. 
Submitted By: Katy Baker WhoDoesWhat?      Last update: 03/12/2004

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