Title: The use of stable isotopes to evaluate water mixing and water use by flood plain trees along the Garonne river. 
Resource Type: document --> technical publication --> journal article 
Country: EU Projects 
Year: 2004 
Availability: Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 39, 301-310 
Author 1/Producer: Lambs, L. 
Other Authors/Producers: Loubiat, M. and Richardson, W. 
Author / Producer Type: EC Project 
Publisher: Taylor and Francis 
Publisher City: 4 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 4RN, UK 
Article Weblink (=direct link): http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content?content=10.1080/102 ...  
Format (e.g. PDF): HTML 
EUGRIS Keyword(s): Contaminated land-->Site investigation-->Site investigation overview
Contaminated land-->Soil and groundwater processes-->Geochemistry
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Groundwater protection-->Groundwater processes-->Geochemistry
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Groundwater protection-->Groundwater processes-->Hydrogeology
Groundwater protection-->Planning-->Land use measures
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Groundwater protection-->Planning-->Planning overview
Short description: This article was produced as part of the flobar project: the project website is at http://www.geog.cam.ac.uk/research/projects/flobar2/. 
Long description: The upper Garonne valley is the driest area in south-west France. The oxygen 18 isotope (18O) and the ionic charge of surface and ground water (The isotopic signature and ionic conductivity of river water was distinctly different from groundwater) were used to estimate the water source for the Garonne River and phreatic subsurface water. 18O signatures and conductivity in the Garonne River indicated that the predominant water source was high altitude surface runoff from the Pyrenees. Tributary inputs had little effect on isotopic identity, but had a small effect on the conductivity. The combination of 18O signatures and ionic conductivity appears to be effective for determining water sources on geographic scales. 
Link to Project(s): FLOBAR2 Floodplain Biodiversity and Restoration
Submitted By: Dr Stefan Gödeke WhoDoesWhat?      Last update: 17/07/2007

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