Title: |
Review of decision support tools in Urban Storm Water Management’
Resource Type: |
document --> technical publication --> report
Country: |
EU Projects
Year: |
2004 |
Availability: |
Daywater Consortium (2004) Review of decision support tools in Urban Storm Water Management’, Deliverable Deliverable N°: WP2 / T2.1 / D2.1
Author 1/Producer: |
Daywater Consortium
Author / Producer Type: |
EC Project
Format (e.g. PDF): |
EUGRIS Keyword(s): |
Contaminated land-->Wider impacts / sustainability-->Assessment tools
Short description: |
This report (Deliverable D2.1 ‘Review of decision support tools in USWM’) describes the first
template, in which different DSS tools used in European countries are conceptually integrated.
This report starts in chapter 2 with a summary of different concepts out of literature which are
useful to compose the ADSS. The focus of the literature study is on the internal and external
functioning of a DSS. The insights of the literature study, together with lively discussions with
Daywater partners, have served to set up a flow chart of the ADSS. This flow chart is elaborated
in chapter 3. Chapter 4 describes different decision tools, gathered by the Daywater partners.
These tools are conceptually integrated in the flow chart. The last chapter, chapter 5 contains
recommendations for integrating the content of this report into the further development of the
ADSS in Daywater.
Submitted By:
Dr Stefan Gödeke WhoDoesWhat?
Last update: 14/02/2006