Title: The state-of-art in European water resource related DSS systems and methodologies. An assessment from the transboundary application point of view 
Resource Type: document --> technical publication --> report 
Country: EU Projects 
Year: 2004 
Availability: Transcat Consortium (2002) The state-of-art in European water resource related DSS systems and methodologies. An assessment from the transboundary application point of view. Deliverable 5.1 
Author 1/Producer: Transcat Consortium 
Author / Producer Type: EC Project 
Report / download web link (=direct link): http://www.transcat-project.net/engdocuments.htm  
Format (e.g. PDF): Microsoft Word 
EUGRIS Keyword(s): Groundwater protection-->Groundwater protection overview
Short description: The TRANSCAT project deals with integrated water management according to individual water catchments, particularly the transboundary catchments, where the usual problems associated with adequate management tend to be compounded by the existence of state boundaries. The main objective of the project is to develop and implement an operational, possibly integrated and comprehensive Decision Support System (DSS), allowing for optimal water management of catchments stretching across state boundaries. The development of the DSS is primarily the responsibility of the Polish team, hosted by the Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. The proposed DSS will be able to cope with the complexity of the water resources systems and the uncertainty of decision-making. The DSS will be built around modules that allow effective consideration of the range of different climatic, topographic, environmental and socio-economic conditions found in various EU and candidate countries’ transboundary catchment areas. The present report gives an account on the work carried out in terms of the survey and assessment of the state-of-the-art related to similar DSS functions and applications as well as their respective parts, associated with different aspects of the systems managed and the DSS’s themselves. As such, it is a natural continuation of the report from the TRANSCAT’s deliverable DL 3.1 “Analysis of selected DSS for the water management domain in borderland regions”, prepared by the TRANSCAT team under the co-ordination of VSB-Technical University of Ostrava from the Czech Republic. The former report, DL 3.1, concentrated mainly on the survey of existing systems, expected to be most suitable for the TRANSCAT DSS. Fourteen systems have been evaluated. Eight of them dealt with hydrological issues, six with hydrogeological issues and four with other issues. These systems have been chosen so as to cover all model situations in water management with varying input parameters. The respective software packages have also been chosen according to TRANSCAT requirements, i.e. possibilities of integrating these applications into or using them in association with the TRANSCAT decision support system. In most cases, the tutorial data provided by software developer (but in specific cases also real data) have been used for application testing. General evaluation of software packages, which was prepared in the course of this process was useful for deciding in choosing appropriate modelling tools for TRANSCAT DSS, for choosing appropriate data (definitions), and for implementing the TRANSCAT DSS in pilot areas. Thus, the present report takes over the results from DL 3.1 and appropriately expands the search for adequate solutions. In the domain of modelling it presents a narrowing down, with the selection of definite modelling tools here described having been done on the basis of DL 3.1 and own experience of the authors. In the domain of decision analytic applications an overview is provided of the existing approaches, which can be of use in the TRANSCAT DSS. Finally, in the domain of supplementing instruments, mainly oriented at participative management, a reference is made to the tools proposed and used in other (European) projects within the same field. The conclusions from the work, whose results are presented in the report, are contained at the end of the respective chapters. These conclusions determine the course of the future work on the TRANSCAT DSS within the particular domains (model choice and implementation, decision analytic instruments, participative management). It should be emphasised that the subsequent deliverable, DL 5.2, to follow closely after the present one, devoted to the minimum requirements on the management system for the transboundary catchment areas, will also have an important bearing on the ultimate shape of the DSS. Likewise, the results contained in the deliverables from other work packages (e.g. WP 4) will altogether essentially contribute to the development of the DSS. We would like to express our appreciation to all authors and contributors, listed before this Executive Summary, and the respective institutions, appearing on the title page of the present report. 
Link to Project(s): TRANSCAT Integrated water management of transboundary catchments
Submitted By: Dr Stefan Gödeke WhoDoesWhat?      Last update: 14/02/2006

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