Title: Rescue Project: Guidance - Management of contamination and reuse of soil and debris 
Resource Type: document --> technical publication --> report 
Country: EU Projects 
Year: 2005 
Availability: Rescue Consortium (2005) Rescue Project: Guidance - Management of contamination and reuse of soil and debris. Work Package 2 – Deliverable 2-1 
Author 1/Producer: Rescue Consortium 
Author / Producer Type: EC Project 
Report / download web link (=direct link): http://www.rescue-europe.com/download/reports/2_Guidance%20- ...  
EUGRIS Keyword(s): Brownfields
Contaminated land-->Remediation options-->Ex situ treatment technologies
Contaminated land-->Remediation options-->Excavation
Contaminated land-->Remediation options-->Recycling/reuse
Short description: The management of contaminated soils and debris is a key issue in the redevelopment of many urban brownfield sites. Risk based management of land contamination is an integral component of many brownfield projects due to the potential cost of remediation, the perceived or real risk and other wider administrative and social issues. It may include reuse of decontaminated materials either onsite or offsite. It will often include further treatment or disposal of materials that are unusable or unsuitable after the decontamination process, including residues. Decontamination techniques for contaminated soils have been well developed in recent years and at many contaminated sites a combination of remediation techniques is used. A sustainable approach entails identifying - during the initial preparation phase - the appropriate techniques to ensure protection of environmental receptors and minimisation of resource use and other wider environmental effects. The cost of decontamination can often be very high. Remediation can result in a transfer of contaminants to air and/or water, an intensive use of resources and the degree of decontamination can be inappropriate for the new use of a brownfield site. One critical step in the redevelopment of contaminated land is the selection of assessment criteria that determine the need for and extent of site remediation and, in consequence, the cost which - if excessive - can be a barrier to the marketing potential of a site. Pre-existing buildings and infrastructures, when not adapted for new uses, are demolished and can represent an environmental problem if proper management of resulting wastes is not in place. Such management includes identification and segregation of materials and debris to allow for the reuse, recycling or disposal of separate components. If the site clearance, demolition and decontamination phases of a project are synchronised, the materials generated by each phase can be managed within an integrated recycling/recovery/reuse programme, minimising waste arising and the need for imported raw materials. Policy development that simultaneously addresses environmental protection and spatial planning issues is a major positive trend. This combined approach, known as Risk Based Land Management (RBML), enables redevelopment strategies and plans to drive remediation objectives, remediation strategies/technologies and site investigation strategies/technologies. Waste prevention is a strategic element in European waste policy. This policy emphasises the development of measures to promote recycling, recovery and - 7 - reuse, appropriate use of economic instruments, reduction of the hazardous nature of wastes, etc. However, the implementation of the EU Waste Framework Directive (and its definition of waste) has played - and continues to play - an ambiguous role in the management of contaminated soil (and in particular in the way excavated, treated and reused materials are regarded by regulatory authorities). As a consequence, a large percentage of excavated materials generated by brownfield redevelopment are persistently consigned to landfill disposal. A significant amount of literature about contaminated land (EC research work and networks like CARACAS, CLARINET, CABERNET1, NICOLE, US EPA documents, OECD survey, etc.) was used as a background to the project. The RESCUE approach - through its broader sustainable brownfield redevelopment focus – made further significant advances by identifying sustainability objectives and indicators, best practices and tools to link sustainability aspects to brownfield redevelopment issues. 
Link to Project(s): RESCUE Regeneration of european sites in cities and urban environments
Link to Organisation(s): CL:AIRE (Contaminated Land: Applications in the Real Environments)
Submitted By: Dr Stefan Gödeke WhoDoesWhat?      Last update: 10/10/2006

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