Title: Assessment of migration of non-suspected compounds from products in contact with drinking water by GC-MS 
Resource Type: document --> technical publication --> report 
Country: EU Projects 
Year: 2003 
Availability: James, H. et al. (2003) Assessment of migration of non-suspected compounds from products in contact with drinking water by GC-MS, EU Report 20833 
Author 1/Producer: James, H. 
Other Authors/Producers: Bondant, M., Hoekstra, E.J., Langer, S., Noij, Th., Stottmeister, E., Veschetti, E. 
Author / Producer Type: EC Project 
Report / download web link (=direct link): http://www.jrc.cec.eu.int  
Format (e.g. PDF): PDF 
EUGRIS Keyword(s): Water and sanitation-->Water and sanitation Overview
Water resources and their management -->Water resources and their management Overview
Long description: GCMS analysis is undertaken to determine whether organic chemicals not specified in the formulation of CPDW materials migrate into drinking waters. The harmonisation of the GCMS assessment needs to be studied to decide on the comparability of data produced by different laboratories using different equipment, when all laboratories use the same protocol. Initially an assessment is required of the rigidity of the protocol in order to ensure good comparability of data, and the agreed (and if necessary, modified) protocol needs to be applied to real migration waters from CPDW materials to allow its effectiveness to be assessed. Initial work programme Only France and the UK routinely apply GCMS to detect unsuspected organic chemicals (unspecified compounds) in migration waters from CPDW materials in their national approval schemes. Although the two procedures are similar in many ways, there are some important differences that need to be harmonised. One should bear in mind that the current GCMS assessment procedures (France and UK) are a necessary compromise between generating data on products and excessive costs. Additional advanced techniques could be applied to address some of the limitations of the GCMS approach, but the harmonised methodology must be practical and not limited to just a few research laboratories. The work programme initially proposed was as follows: Stage 1 – Harmonisation of the basic GCMS procedure In this stage, all participating laboratories assessed the practicality of the GCMS protocol described in the UK BS6920: Part 4. A range of compounds was to be chosen for this purpose. Stage 2 – Selection of the solvent extraction procedure As the procedures routinely used by France and the UK were slightly different, the two procedures were compared to ascertain which was the better of the two. Stage 3 – Selection of possible SPE procedure As solid phase extraction (SPE) is increasingly used for the analysis of many organic compounds in water, and for various reasons (e.g. ease of automation, reduction in solvent usage) is now preferred to solvent extraction, it was considered appropriate to establish whether this offered a viable alternative for this particular application. Two different types of SPE material were compared to ascertain whether either were suitable. Stage 4 – Comparison of preferred solvent extraction and SPE procedures Assuming that one of the SPE procedures studied in Stage 3 was comparable to the preferred solvent extraction procedure (from Stage 2), then it would be necessary to directly compare the different extraction techniques to assess which was the most appropriate for the analysis of migration waters from CPDW materials. If neither of the SPE procedures tested in Stage 3 gave results that were comparable to the preferred solvent extraction procedure, then this stage would not be undertaken. Stage 5 – Investigation of the overall preferred GCMS assessment procedure In this stage all participating laboratories were to analyse extracts from migration waters from epoxy resin, GRP, cement with organic additive and rubber. Four participants were to prepare the migration waters, using chlorinated and unchlorinated water, and carry out the extractions to prepare extracts. These extracts were to be circulated to all of the participants for GCMS analysis. 10 Stage 6 – Establishment of a GCMS database and preparation of final report To facilitate the use of the GCMS assessment procedure developed, the most useful design and operation of a GCMS database relating to materials in contact with drinking water will be discussed and recommended. Its value compared to existing databases would be assessed. 
Link to Project(s): CPDW Development of harmonised tests to be used in the European Approval Scheme concerning Construction Products in contact with Drinking Water
Link to Organisation(s): JRC Joint Research Centre ISPRA
Submitted By: Dr Stefan Gödeke WhoDoesWhat?      Last update: 10/10/2006

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