Publisher: |
Environment Agency of England and Wales
Publisher City: |
Rio House, Bristol, Waterside Drive, Aztec West, Almondsbury, Bristol, BS32 4UD, UK
Short description: |
The UKSHS is available as a series of 10 reports and is the most extensive survey of soil and plant contmaination in urban, rural and industrial land in the UK. It is intended that the survey be used as a benchmark to assess trends in contamination across the country
Long description: |
The UKSHS consists of ten reports; a summary, an introduction, details of sampling, collection and analysis methods, an intercomparison study and results of the analysis classified according to the group of contaminants (heavy metals, PAHs, PCBs and PCHs).
Samples were taken from 122 rural, 28 urban and 50 industrial locations. A key headline from the study is that levels of carcinogenic chemical in the environment have fallen significantly since they were banned in the 1980s. Other results show higher concentrations of heavy metals in urban areas and variation in metal concentrations due to geology.